Yesterday I requested prayer for one of our
officers -- but I have to give a High-5 to the US Military and how they came together to help this officer in his time of need.
One of the things I loved about the military is their sense of family and how they took care of their own. To be honest, they go above and beyond regular family and even how church families help each other. I don't know if its always been this way, but I know it was when I served and by yesterday's evidence, it is still going strong.
One of the officers' staff group spent the entire night with him. He got the call in the evening on Monday, the chaplain came as well, but another officer stayed with him the entire night. They were here at 0700 -- bringing him here so that our PAC could help him get a flight home. They raised over $2600. dollars in about 2 hours. Amazing. One officer after another from his staff group came up here to be with him, hug him and offer any support that could give. They were amazing to me -- and he not really being "one of their own", but in a sense he has become one of their own. He is still flying back home to his children ... its going to be a long, long road ahead for him.
A huge High-5 to the US Military, who really do take care of their own.
Lots of last minute wedding things to be done ... here's hoping I'm better by this weekend.
Stephen started his first day of his Senior year this morning. He was up at 0530 after not being able to fall asleep till 1am last night. He will be wiped out tonight and he has a full day ahead of him. The pups are going to be sad, because they will be kennel bound all day now. Taco is back to normal, which is a relief. He gets up whenever I do in the middle of the night to use the bathroom ... I'm sure he'll make up for being sleep deprived today.
Josh has his bachelor party this weekend -- paintball! Hosted by Lexi's dad. I thought that was super nice, because Stephen, uh isn't able to do it! The main problem will be transportation out there. Alot of people think because we live outside of the city limits that we should be the taxi service -- but uh, we already pay extra in gas for that. Its kind of sad in a way, because if we don't transport they don't come. I guess that just shows how much they care to come! {eyeroll} Sorry, that is sore subject, but still the truth. Their thought is well its not that much, okay, then if its not, then you drive it. I keep trying to find that money tree they think I have planted on our land somewhere, but I sure can't find it. LOL!
Lexi's bridal shower turned out really nice. Her maid of honor lives out of state so the ladies of our church stepped in and gave her a lovely one. She received a bunch of nice gifts! Lots of good food and fun games.
And I really am not cranky today, but what goes around, comes around. LOL. I'm really not cranky, maybe if I keep telling myself that, I won't be? I'll just blame it on the meds and lack of sleep. I've been skipped for some things at work because of this stupid cancer treatment. That does make me cranky. Its not fair. Grumble.
My co-worker lost her brother last night, please remember them in prayer. {sigh}
Its a quiet day here at work. Its been raining again, and I think we've had enough for this week!
Thanks for the prayers, they are greatly appreciated. God is good.
Labels: Family, Miscellaneous, Prayer.