I did go to the dentist this morning and get that tooth pulled out. It was starting to hurt again and I didn't want to deal with that again! Ugh.
I loved the oral surgeon, what a super man. The crazy tooth had 3 roots, which is probably why we had problems with the original root canal and the second time they went back in. I was a nervous wreck before I went in, and then I forgot to pre-medicate and had to wait another hour before he would pull it. =(
And the best thing? On the way to my car, I fell in the parking lot. Yup, flat down. (sigh) I can barely walk on my left foot, the ankle is nice and huge. {sigh} As I texted Josh, "I am a dork." Everything is entirely too far away from the car except my house from my parking spot. This week is appointment week ... Joy.
Labels: Health, Miscellaneous
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