Labels: Menu Plan Monday
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Labels: Menu Plan Monday
It was a beautiful day here today! This morning I was awake and out of bed a little after 4 am ... again! ... but this time by my choice. The military installation had its post wide yard sale today.
You really have to be there by 5am -- to find any furniture or big items. We were there before 6am. Its great fun to walk for miles and go to sale after sale! So much better than getting in and out of your car all day. {especially with the price of gas!}Labels: Miscellaneous
Labels: Contest, Friday Finds
Labels: Contest
Labels: Inspiration, Thankful Thursday
Labels: Recipes, Slow Cooker Thursday
This was the boiling (or simmering) part. Do you think the heat was too high?
They don't look very yummy here. I placed them on the rack to drain and I did brush them with the egg white and sprinkled poppy seed on them while they were on the rack. I didn't have a problem with them sticking to my pan after baking.
Woila! Here are the finished products! Don't they look delicious? My son and I ate one right out of the oven with cream cheese. Yum!!
I am going to try Honey Wheat and Cinnamon Raisin flavored next. I've been tempted to try the Spinach Tortillas that Tammy is posting about lately too! So many good, healthy recipes, so little time. {grin}
We go to this library -- Mid Continent Public Library Take a peek, its a great library.
If you do not use your library, you are wasting a valuable resource. If you don't have a great library -- you might check around to see if there are better ones. Even ones you might have to pay a fee for. Plus you can save a bunch of money on book purchases. One thing we do, is if we are thinking about buying a book -- mainly resource type -- we check it out first, and then decide if it is worth purchasing or not.
Our library also borrows from other libraries, so we have access to 100s of libraries. They have a great assortment of music cds too -- even Christian! Gotta love that.
I went yesterday afternoon -- and check out some of my gold mine:
And this was not all of them -- just 2 stacks. It you notice most of them are new. One great thing about ours is that you can put a "forthcoming book" on hold -- so for my favorite authors that have books coming out in May, June, July etc == once it shows up in the catalog, I put a hold on it. Sometimes I have to wait for a few people, but many times I am the first to read a brand new release. Love that!
I have been on a quest lately concerning the foods we consume -- and have done a 360. We have not been purchasing any more processed or packaged foods -- and attempting to eat more healthier foods. We are a work in progress -- so that is why so many of the books above are on food and fitness.
I have seriously been waiting for Nourishing Traditions -- and I did have to wait about 60 days for that one. Also, the brand new book by James Scott Bell came in. I enjoy reading mysteries -- especially involving lawyers and medical stuff. I really just love to read!!
So, using our library to its fullest, works for us!!
Visit Rocks in My Dryer for more great WFMW tips.
Labels: Frugality, Works for Me Wednesday
And yes, I am one of those that LOVE skim milk. It doesn't taste watery to me -- its just plain good! And the good news is, if you become a Blue Bell member, they will give you a coupon for a free 1/2 gallon of ice cream during your birthday month!! How cool is that? Blue Bell used to carry a fat free/sugar free variety of Banana Split - and it was so good! Too bad, my birthday is in December!
A free sample of Sara Jessica Parker "Lovely" perfume. You do have to complete a 10 question survey. Took less than a minute.
Smell good while you enjoy your ice cream! Hugs!
Labels: Little Blessings
Labels: Inspiration, Support
Labels: Inspiration, Photos
Labels: Menu Plan Monday, Recipes
Labels: 100
And its only 4:23pm. We are having hamburgers tonight -- and I have no buns. So, I am going to try my hand at making some, and while they are rising I will go for a walk. I am going to try Twenty Minute Buns. The reason I chose this recipe is because out of all the ones I searched for, these had the least amount of fat. Not too shabby of an afternoon.
P.S. If you know me, as my husband would say, I can't sit still an relax, I have to be doing something and always feel like if I didn't accomplish anything, I wasted my day. Please -- relax and don't be like me in that regard! Its a hard thing to change! I have too much of a Martha spirit, when I really need a Mary spirit! And it's a beautiful day outside.
Labels: Family, Miscellaneous
Labels: Contest
Only by the grace of God are any of us spared from a similar tragedy. I know that the Lord knows the time and place when He will take us home and the circumstances surrounding it ... but ...
I am a creature of habit and sometimes I wonder if the Lord tires of me praying for the safety and hand of protection on my family every morning? I don't believe so. Do you? I know it only takes one prayer and God can answer it -- I know that sometimes we have to wait but ... the Lord truly knows the perfect will for our lives.
On one of our Sunday School boards in our classroom ... we have it decorated with the following:
God Always Answers Prayer
Sometimes He says "Yes"
Sometimes He says "No"
Sometimes He says "Wait"
And sometimes He says " I have something better in mind ..."
This is so very true, I think it is easier to take a Yes or even a No, then a Wait or Let's do it My (God's) way!
Regardless I am very thankful today!
And I am thankful for this community of bloggers ... you are truly an inspiration and encouragement to me. May the Lord bless you and keep you ... and give you grace.
Labels: Thankful Thursday
Labels: Photos
I originally received this recipe through one of my Yahoo groups and passed it on to a friend ... thinking it was more HER thing.
Well, she made it quite a few times and had me try it. It's really good! We have made some modifications -- but I will include a link at the bottom to the "original" and put a star next to the ingredient that she changed and is preferred.
3 14-ounce cans vegetable broth (chicken is good too)
1 15-ounce can diced tomatoes *
1 15-ounce can white or Great Northern beans, rinsed and drained (use 2 cans)
1/2 cup converted rice **
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon dried basil, crushed
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 bag frozen chopped spinach *
Finely shredded Parmesan cheese
1. In a 3-1/2- or 4-quart slow cooker combine broth, tomato puree, beans, rice, onion, garlic, basil, salt, and pepper.
2. Cover; cook on low-heat setting for 5 to 7 hours or on high-heat setting for 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 hours.
3. Stir spinach into soup. Serve with Parmesan cheese. Makes 6 main-dish servings.
Not too many changes, but use frozen spinach instead of fresh. And use converted or brown -- rice -- regular makes it too mushy. Yummy!
Labels: Recipes, Slow Cooker Thursday
Labels: Prayer. support
Labels: Prayer. support
Amazingly enough I never knew about Google Reader, and I had seen Bloglines, but really didn't know what that was ... sigh ... I know, BLOND!
I read this post by Marcia and the light came on. My computer times is pretty limited and I really enjoy reading blogs. I've learned quite a few things; received support from fellow believers; great new recipes and organizing tips to name a few.
So, now I have organized about 45 blogs and websites that I read often in my subscriptions at Google Reader and it saves a bunch of time. Plus I don't feel so guilty about sitting on the computer for so long. As Marcia stated, the hardest part was copying and pasting the urls!
You can also organize the different blogs by creating specific folders for their "theme"
It took a bit of time, but I have my faves subscribed now. I'm sad that some I read, do not have their RSS feed activated. Hint! Hint!!
But for me it was a great thing to tackle!
Labels: Tackle it Tuesday
Labels: Menu Plan Monday, Recipes
P.S. We don't know the results of the solo competition -- the bus had to leave early because there were seniors who had prom last night. His Band teacher and the pianist both think he did great! If he gets a 1 -- he will go to state competition! I told him on the way -- because he was very nervous -- just pray before you perform and let God use you for His glory. We have to wait till Monday to find out. But even if he did not make a 1 -- he backed out numerous times because he was nervous about doing it; it is still okay.
I figured I would post a photo of him with his trumpet/band. His trumpet is a "Blessing" -- and it was a huge blessing the way we got it. I'll have to share that story.
Labels: Family
Labels: Miscellaneous, Prayer. support
4 cans or 7 cups beef broth
1 can Rotel diced tomatoes with green chilies
1 can diced tomatoes
1 cup shredded carrots
2 cans or 1 bag frozen cut green beans
1 lb. ground beef or turkey
1/2 cup chopped red onions
1 t. minced garlic
1 T. Italian seasoning
1 t. salt (or to taste)
1 lb. bag frozen cheese tortellini
Brown and drain ground meat. Place all ingredients except tortellini in crock pot. Cook on low 4-5 hours. During last 30 minutes, switch to high and place frozen tortellini in crockpot. It smells wonderful!
Serve with hot crusty french bread or garlic bread. Yum!
This recipe is beyond easy, and it was a little kick to it because of the Rotel tomatoes. If you have young children, you may want to use the mild Rotel. One thing we have done is cook the pasta separately, put a large spoonful into the bowl and then add the broth/soup. Then if there is left over broth (there is never left over tortellini!) then we cook elbow macaroni and put that in bowls and add leftover soup. I have this made today, but don't have any tortellini in the freezer, so yes, I will serve it with elbow macaroni. I have 2 boxes of that in my pantry. I have also made the broth from beef bouilion cubes and it tastes just as good -- I could not tell a difference, plus that is another savings in making this soup.
Visit Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for more slow cooker recipes.
Edited: I wonder if spinach would be good instead of green beans? A thought!
Unusual Cake Recipe Website
Visit the above link for unusual cake recipes like: 7Up Cake; Amazin' Raisin Cake; Dr. Pepper Cake; Earthquake Cake; Cow Pie Cake ...
Labels: Frugality, Recipes, Slow Cooker Thursday
Yes, I have labelled my refrigerator! Crazy? not at all. I've had this labelled for about 3 months and it still is neat. Well - except for the misc tray! On the door from top to bottom, I have "condiments", "cheese", "sauces", "misc"; "butter" and then on the bottom I have "sweet" and "pickles". (for pickles and salsa etc -- I was at a loss for what to label it, because I already had condiments which has the mayo, mustard, ketchup etc. Ideas?) I have the shelves labelled inside the fridge too. WFM!
In the bathroom cabinet (still need to paint the inside of this cabinet! -- wish I would have looked because this could have been completed this past weekend.) But I have 3 baskets. One for my daughter and one each for my sons for their bathroom "stuff" -- each has a cute round tag with their name. Josh's Junk, Sarai's Stuff and Stephen's Stuff. I rarely have bottles and mess on the sink/counter.
This is my "pantry" -- such as it is. Its actually a cabinet in the mudroom since we do not have a pantry in the kitchen. Its critter proof and big and it WFM. Josh and I took everything out of this cabinet in December and we organized it and labelled the shelves. I took this photo over the weekend and its still pretty neat, don't you think? I have a couple of overflow areas for bulk items so the bottom is a tad messy but my husband who usually helps with putting away groceries -- puts them where they go! Sorry for the dark photo -- but it gives you an idea.
This is the top shelf ... the Ramen box holds boxes of Jello. Might as well recycle, no?
I also have Tupperware modular mates in my kitchen cabinets and yes, they ALL have labels. I even have a different label on each side of a few of them, because they do double duty in holding certain foods.
Visit Rock in my Dryer for more great ideas!!
Labels: Works for Me Wednesday
I have been off from my job since Thursday -- it was a nice break. I did tackle some projects that needed done. {something always needs to be done!}
1. I finished painting the master bedroom. I had painted the trim a couple of months ago. {grin} but did not paint the larger walls. Our room has 3 windows, 3 doors, and a closet and dresser built into the wall, so that is a lot of trim. And I was actually hoping my brother would have arrived to finish it by now! LOL. So, I finished that. I do need to touch up a couple of areas on the ceiling, but we are out of ceiling paint.
2. Touched up the shelves in the bathroom. When sliding the baskets out, the paint was scrapped off in quite a few places. Looks much better.
3. Our kitchen cabinets are painted {until our kitchen is remodeled} and there were quite a few nicks, so I touched all of those up and repainted the wall by the trash can. I think this is my 3rd time doing that since we painted the cabinets in early 2006. I am so glad that I have all my paint cans labelled for just small jobs like this.
4. Spot cleaned the carpet with the shampooer. Well, my son did that, can I still count it?
Not completed:
My 100 Things About Me list. Ugh. Doing that next.
Visit 5 Minutes for Mom to view more great tackles!
Labels: Tackle it Tuesday
Labels: 100
My heart has been heavy with what the Lord suffered for this world ... for me. So many people still continue to nail Him to the cross. I do not desire to cause my Lord any more grief. He has been nothing but faithful and good to me, and I have only failed Him.
Menu Plan Monday
Labels: Inspiration, Menu Plan Monday, Recipes
Labels: Inspiration
Labels: Family
Labels: Favorite Ingredients Friday
There are times when we are down in the valley -- and need encouragement especially when we think that the Lord has forgotten us. He hasn't and won't. In making these posts -- I realize how blessed I am and even in the little things -- I can see the hand of the God, and know that He has not forgotten me.
Labels: Thankful Thursday
Labels: Recipes, Slow Cooker Thursday