Labels: Menu Plan Monday
God worked it out about the Neulasta shots ... I'll write more this weekend.
Feeling okay, just not the best.
Just wanted to write a short note, and thank God for my healing. I do believe it. IJN!
Thanks for your prayers.
Labels: Breast Cancer
I have done pretty well with keeping upbeat but a black cloud has descended on me the last 3 days and it won't go away. I lost it the other night, I absolutely hate for my boys to hear/see that .
I've not felt well and had to drag myself to get a few hours in at work today. But I hope and pray tomorrow I am well enough to make it in.
I've learned many things through this journey thus far -- one is -- you never know what a person is going through, don't assume you know, because YOU DON'T. Don't add more to their burden -- be careful with your words and attitude -- they sting. They sting deeply. I will never assume to know what a person should do -- only those living it can do that.
Please help us pray about the finanical aspects of this -- we received the insurance paperwork for that Neulasta shot -- are you sitting down?
They expect us to pay $1162.00 our part. AND they want me to do 3 more of those? We are not prepared for that. We will talk with the doctor today to see if there is anything else, because we'll be paying for years on that. If I live through all this anyway.
The normal treatments are $65 for the Taxol and @ $105 for the A/C.
(huge sigh) We were doing so well -- this trial is hitting us all around, and not just my health.
Continue to pray about the surgery -- we both feel it needs to be OUT. It's such an aggressive cancer, it scares me to have it stay in there. But, I do believe God is containing it in the one tumour. IJN! I'm human, what can I say ...
I read this on a woman's blog who is dying from cancer (yes, I know now not to read those kinds of things, it only adds to the black cloud of dispair!) but it fits me today ...
Labels: Breast Cancer, Prayer.
Labels: Holidays, Prayer. support
Labels: Menu Plan Monday
Labels: Family, Fun, Prayer. support
Psalm 27 -- my hub read this to me last night, and said it was for me. It's for you too!
1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
2 When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
3 Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.
4 One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple.
5 For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.
6 And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.
7 Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
8 When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek.
9 Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation.
10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.
11 Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.
12 Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.
13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD
Labels: Free Stuff, Prayer. support
The pain started on Tuesday and went from none to unbearable. I am still hurting pretty bad -- I did get permission to get the root canal from the oncologist - along with antibiotics for another week. They did a root canal on the back molar. I'm praying that it will stop hurting by morning -- it usually takes a bit and there is infection in there plus the whole procedure. I'm on some pain relievers for the pain -- teeth pain is the absolute worse for me. The pain relievers are barely taking the edge off the pain -- I seriously need a break from the pain. I'm so tired -- need some rest.
For me on the pain scale -- 10 is emergency room/broken limbs etc. I'd have to say I'm at least at an 8 -- debated going yesterday evening but not really sure what they could do. I need my own numbing needle that the dentist has! I do have some pretty strong pain relievers and I get some relief but its short lived, and then the pain is back as strong as ever.
Any suggestions? I'm seriously struggling here. Lord, please touch my pain and heal it, In the name of Jesus I pray ...
Labels: Prayer.
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Phil 4:13 KJV
Labels: Breast Cancer
He is so not into taking pictures! You can see his hair beginning to grow back. I pray mine grows back as quickly! They both recently got new glasses.
Labels: Family
My bitterness into acceptance,
Labels: Breast Cancer, Prayer.
Labels: Breast Cancer
Labels: Breast Cancer
But -- I am thankful to God today for touching my body and my hair. Please keep praying about healing and the whole hair thing! It doesn't want to cooperate much -- but I imagine its the effects of the chemicals in my system.
I crashed on the chair about 0730pm last night -- made it the sofa when my hub came in from the outside -- and then crashed again until I made it to my bed and up at 0430 for work.
My hub is starting to plant all my new fruit bushes/trees. It's a a lot of work! But its looking good!! I'm thankful for him -- he's been a huge source of strength to me, it hurts my heart to burden him so. I told him that he didn't sign up for this!! =(
We see the surgeon at 330 -- please pray that the Lord directs our steps during this season of life.
Labels: Breast Cancer, Prayer. support
The steroids make me hungry although I ate some bland things -- and then it just makes me feel worse when I ate, so it was a vicious cycle. Sense of smell is extremely intensified = gross!
I did make it to evening service, since communion and foot washing were planned. I hate to miss. A sister who just had surgery on Thursday, made it Sunday morning. I totally felt like a wimp. I think I can do pain, better than nausea. Although, I'd rather have neither.
I made it to work this morning, 20 minutes late but I made it. I'm thankful to the Lord today -- for shrinking this thing!! It's so awesome. Please help us pray about this surgery appointment. My husband and I both feel it needs to be removed. So many decisions.
We had an eventful morning. I promised myself I would leave my husband ALONE today since every day off and more have been taken with my appointments, I just wanted him to have some peace. The dogs got up, I let them out and 10 seconds later, you can hear Mini going nutso.
I knew right away that the opossum was back. (sigh) Of course, she thinks she is a warrior and can attack it. I was out there screaming at 0530am -- it didn't faze the dog or the rat! The dogs finally came in, I locked them in their cages and .... I went to wake the hub. So much for leaving him alone.
He got his rifle -- I could hear shots firing but didn't look. He came back in for more ammo. It was too dark to see -- Josh came zipping downstairs - What is dad shooting? LOL! How funny that he knew. They both went to the mudroom and Josh gave him some light and finally opossum went to opossum land forever. They can be vicious little creatures and this one was just too friendly around our house. I'm sorry, but it had to go!! We have 3 little kittens out there and guinea babies that were just born last week -- it had to go!!
our non-opossum friend on the way to burial = trash can
flowers given to me for making it through the 3rd chemo tx
baby guinea birds -- I can't handle their smell -- Ewww!!!
Lexi says if they knew how ugly they get when they got bigger, they'd probably give up on life!
Labels: Breast Cancer, Family, farm
Labels: Recipes
Labels: Breast Cancer, Holiday Gift Giving, Praises
If you would again, please remember me in prayer ... thanks so much! I missed 36.5 hours of work during this last pay period, please pray about my leave and job situation too.
I have an appointment with the new surgeon on Tuesday -- if she says we can do surgery, we're going forward with it.
Here's a huge victory report -- Its shrunk some!!! Another answer to prayer.
Have a wonderful day -- enjoy it doubly for me!!
Labels: Breast Cancer, Prayer. support
The Good News ?? My brain, (and yes Sarai there is one in there!), chest, abdomen, pelvis and bone scans all came out clean -- with the exception of the mass in my left breast. He did say that the lymph nodes show some swelling so there is "probably" some involvement.
Since I've been having an infection, we decided that since they don't know without any more biopsies, we are just going to go ahead and be foolish enough to believe that God answered the prayer by keeping it contained. He said it is advanced localized cancer. Works for us -- God knows all about it.
We went with the first harder treatment -- we have 2 weeks to see if it does anything. Thus far-- no shrinkage. He said he didn't expect any, but I keep expecting and looking for it.
Please pray about the whole hair thing! Not as vanity but glory to God -- its my covering!
A sister and brother in the Lord shared some natural things they did when their daughter had cancer -- so my husband called Canada at midnight and ordered some B-17. It came today and I've already started eating some. Pretty nasty stuff!! We plan to implement some other things -- which I'll share tomorrow. Hopefully I will be feeling as well as I do now. I'm sweating like crazy -- but am on my feet! That's a victory to me!
How can something that is supposed to help you~~~ destroy so many good things in your body?? Question of the ages ... thanks for your prayers!! We do see God at work. My mood-- pretty hopeful and just thankful to God for what He is doing and for all of you that are praying!
Please pray for my friend Melinda -- she had surgery yesterday, they had to go back in at 830pm due to bleeding and now she has lost a lot of blood! IJN! God is able!
Labels: Breast Cancer
Labels: Breast Cancer
I had my port inserted -- let's just say, it felt like a truck hit me by evening. (sigh) It's a bit sore today too -- I did NOT let them use it for my infusions today. I wimped out. Just keeping it real here.
I left the house about 8am and made it home about 4pm -- long day. I did get the CT Scans of my head, chest and abdomen and pelvis done. They also did a bone scan. In Jesus Name -- they are all clear!! We find out Thursday. My hub will be taking me to that appointment.
He has been looking into some nutritional things to do -- which basically makes the body a place where cancer can't grow. They are some interesting things which we learned which are a fact.
We are going to start implementing some of them. No hocus pocus stuff -- all food products basically and absolutely NO SUGAR. We found that it feeds cancer -- and you know I WAS a candy freak -- well that's over. I'm not feeding my enemy. LOL!
Thanks for your prayers -- they are greatly appreciated. Again, I want to thank God for my healing and walking with us during this season of life.
I did get a photo of the 1,000 cranes in the treatment room -- although its on my phone, but they all hang down from a big square light in the middle of the room. I had Rachel --who got my IV done on her first try. I vented a little about my doctor who did the port -- who I did not care for at all. God will show him. I like Rachel -- she's a super nice lady and nurse.
Labels: Breast Cancer, Prayer. support
Tuesday -- Fajitas (found a bag of frozen pepper/onion mix in freezer!)
Labels: Menu Plan Monday, Recipes
Labels: Breast Cancer, Cool Stuff, Support
Amazingly enough I thought it was Thursday today!! How odd. During the early morning hours, laying awake talking to God -- this came to heart. I have so much to be thankful for -- and needed to express that especially during this season of life. But it shouldn't be just during this time.
I am thankful for my Savior and Creator -- who is also my Healer and the comforter of my soul.
I am so thankful He is walking beside me all the time, sometimes carrying me.
I do want to thank Him (again!) for Healing me. I do that alot. Pray without ceasing is pretty much a given at this time of life.
I am thankful for my husband and children who are being a huge support to me. They also put up with alot of my moods.
I am thankful for my family and church family and all their prayers being sent heavenward.
I am thankful for the wonderful dinner that Josh's girlfriend and her mom prepared for us last night. Yum!! Lasagna, salad, garlic bread, strawberry pie and even lemonade to drink! It was truly a wonderful blessing. She even brought over pink daisies for me. How sweet!!
I'm thankful I was well enough to enjoy it!!
I'm thankful for my co-workers/friends who have amazingly been a huge help to me. I am thankful for Beckie bringing me to my treatment is Kansas City yesterday and hanging with me. Also for the cute pink support bra she gifted me with as a gift for being done with chemo tx #2!!
Jason who covers for me and is taking a little more heavier load with me having so many appointments to go to. A boss who says put yourself first, your job should be 12th on the list.
Noah who I didn't tell -- but came in today with tears in his eyes -- and told me I needed to call him day or night for anything at all. Anything. He means it too.
I am thankful for the breathe of life and for the peace of God which surpasses all understanding!
For more Thankful Thursday posts, please visit Laurie at Women Taking a Stand!Labels: Thankful Thursday