It looks like it will be a sunny day today!! Rain was supposed to be on the forecast daily for the next week. The dogs seriously need a bath. The boys will do that. They also have a Youth Service to go to at 1pm -- so should enjoy themselves a bit today.
It will be quiet here without them. I need to fill my day. The second day after the Taxol treatments proves challenging with needing that small room in your house frequently! =)
My nose burns and runs -- but its minor. I'm thankful for that. (and my healing!!)
We went to see Jeff Dunham last night. We've had tickets for months. He's a super ventriloquist. I'm not sure who I like the best. Probably Achmed -- he has some super goofy eyeballs.
And yes, I might have looked like an idiot -- but I wore a mask. Too many people and too many germs for this girl right now. The puppets were asking Jeff if he was sick and about wearing a mask (the whole swine flu thing is already in his act) -- boy did I get some strange looks. LOL!
Here's to a wonderful day in the Lord -- Be Blessed and thank you for your prayers!!
The CT Scan was broke yesterday so all my scans had to be rescheduled for Tuesday. I'll miss more work than I would have liked now... Port = Monday, Scans = Tuesday, Hard Chemo = Thursday. Friday == By the grace of God -- WELL!! In Jesus Name I pray!
Labels: Breast Cancer, Cool Stuff, Support
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