Amazingly enough I thought it was Thursday today!! How odd. During the early morning hours, laying awake talking to God -- this came to heart. I have so much to be thankful for -- and needed to express that especially during this season of life. But it shouldn't be just during this time.
I am thankful for my Savior and Creator -- who is also my Healer and the comforter of my soul.
I am so thankful He is walking beside me all the time, sometimes carrying me.
I do want to thank Him (again!) for Healing me. I do that alot. Pray without ceasing is pretty much a given at this time of life.
I am thankful for my husband and children who are being a huge support to me. They also put up with alot of my moods.
I am thankful for my family and church family and all their prayers being sent heavenward.
I am thankful for the wonderful dinner that Josh's girlfriend and her mom prepared for us last night. Yum!! Lasagna, salad, garlic bread, strawberry pie and even lemonade to drink! It was truly a wonderful blessing. She even brought over pink daisies for me. How sweet!!
I'm thankful I was well enough to enjoy it!!
I'm thankful for my co-workers/friends who have amazingly been a huge help to me. I am thankful for Beckie bringing me to my treatment is Kansas City yesterday and hanging with me. Also for the cute pink support bra she gifted me with as a gift for being done with chemo tx #2!!
Jason who covers for me and is taking a little more heavier load with me having so many appointments to go to. A boss who says put yourself first, your job should be 12th on the list.
Noah who I didn't tell -- but came in today with tears in his eyes -- and told me I needed to call him day or night for anything at all. Anything. He means it too.
I am thankful for the breathe of life and for the peace of God which surpasses all understanding!
For more Thankful Thursday posts, please visit Laurie at Women Taking a Stand!Labels: Thankful Thursday
This was a beautiful thankful post.
Praise God there is always much to be thankful for no matter what we may be going through. I do know one of many things I am thankful for and that is that you and I came to know one another. I believe God had that planned all along!
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