April 21, 2009
Day 8 -- The Waiting Game

I'm struggling today.

Mostly with the unknown.

I know the medical field have to know people NEED to KNOW.

My lab work has still not been released.

Frustrated with nurses who do not return calls.

Thankful for a sister who has an in there and keeps me up to date.

My son says its not back because they can't figure out where the cancer went.


From his mouth to God's ear.

Going back and forth between wanting to know and not wanting to know.

The unknown is the worst.

I realize I can't change the results.

And I'm not sure how knowing will help,

It just will help me know what I'm up against.

And you're right, its easier to believe for someone else.

It's a tad difficult, living with the fact of it.

I feel like I'm wasting my time, and if you know me, you know I hate that.

Last night -- I just gave up and went to bed.

At 7:30 pm!

I can't say I slept but I was just exhausted from thinking.

I need to get back to the land of the living.

After I receive that call, of course!!



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