I wanted to wish all of you a Happy Mother's Day!
May it be filled with the knowing that you are loved today and always by your family and our Lord.
It's been a bit of a vicious cycle this round -- struggling with constant nausea -- but thankfully no pain from the Neulasta shot. I opted to participate in a clinical trial for it -- maybe I didn't get placebo?? LOL!
I do want to give praise to the Lord for showing visible evidence of shrinking this tumour!! It has definitely gone down in size!! My husband even noticed -- it really shrunk enough to notice it has. I want to give glory to God for that, because truly He is the only one who could have shrunk it that fast. I noticed the morning after chemo -- no way did that one treatment do it. Thank you Jesus!!!
I still feel pretty blah today -- I have been faithfully taking all the meds -- I've needed them to function!! I did get out to the store yesterday and got to finally see Melinda at the hospital. They let her go too -- but she is too weak, its going to take time for her to get on her feet -- but thankfully that's all she had to go home with. God is good.
My husband decided I needed a fruit tree for Mother's Day -- and we were on our way to the store to go get it when Josh called and asked my hub something. Apparently he had the same idea and had bought me two trees!! Joy!! He of course, is the fruit king -- LOVES it. Lexi stopped by with a Raspberry Bush and a cute Orange Star Flower arrangement. I guess yesterday was just a super nice day -- an early Mom's Day.
Our "farm" now will have apricots (wink) (already had that tree!), peaches, (had) cherries, apples and a plum. We need to make sure some can pollinate the other -- or else we might have to pick up another. We need to use the land God blessed us with to provide some of our nourishment. We do have plants to get in the ground out there, but its been so super wet.
As far as the natural stuff we will be implementing -- once I can handle food -- is more water and walking for oxygen in my body. It fights cancer cells. More vegetables/fruit to make my body more alkaline (also makes the body a place where cancer can't grow) and as little sugar as possible. The sugar hasn't been a problem -- I can't stand the taste of it right now, so the Lord must have done something about that one. I need to lose more weight anyway, I've lost some but then they give you steroids and it goes back up a bit and then it will go back down. Slow and easy is the best way, and changing my diet will help. The family doesn't know that they are changing theirs too! I'll still make them treats -- just healthier ones.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day in the Lord -- by the grace of God, I'll be in church.
Labels: Breast Cancer, Holiday Gift Giving, Praises
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