I woke with a major attitude today - (sigh) -- but here is cute baking pan for you. Love this -- and wouldn't it be great if it would actually taste like an Oreo? Yumo! Hub won't let me eat it though.
Tired of cancer.
Tired of having no energy.
Scared to death of losing any more hair.
My hair is not just hair -- there is scripture for why I do not cut my hair.
I am honestly more worried about my spiritual health then my physical at this point.
I never, ever should have done that hard chemo treatment.
I should have just left it in God's hands.
I know He has a plan for all this and I pray it doesn't involve any more stupid chemo.
I'm sorry if you don't agree -- but as stated, I have a major attitude about everything today.
I think I better go pray ... and no, I am in no way shape or form angry at the Lord.
Labels: Breast Cancer
Sweetie, cancer is a very personal thing for each person and I agree with any decision you feel is correct for you. Only let me say this one thing, sometimes God uses the doctors for your healing and other times He uses His own healing powers. Just pray but remember to also be still and listen for God's answer. love and huggles
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