If you wander around their site -- they had 2 other free booklets they offered for a while.
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Labels: Friday Finds
When I was praying this morning -- I was thinking about what I am thankful for, and realized that this list could ultimately be miles long ...
I first and foremost am so very thankful for the grace of God. But for His grace ... I have no idea where I would be. I was not raised in church but felt His gentle prodding and my life took a different turn. A better one.
I am thankful for our church -- we had an awesome service last night. We had a visiting minister instead of Bible study -- and people were weeping and praising the Lord. Awesome.
I am thankful for the word of God -- which is ultimately our guide for life.
I am thankful for my hard-working husband, who has to put in 6 day weeks every week. (not by choice, but by his boss')
I am thankful for my kids, they may not be where they should be in the Lord according to people -- but they are all in church and not into drugs and/or worse things! God touched each one of them in a mighty way last night too!!
I am thankful that my husband makes our bed every morning, even when he is running late.
I am thankful for the Freecycle groups -- which have blessed us with needed items lately.
I am thankful that we have 3 vehicles in operation right now. We are short one and its a struggle to get everyone where they need to be -- but it could be worse. (I need to remember this!!)
I am thankful for the Lord Jesus for without Him ... where would we be?
Edited to add: I am thankful that they turned on the air conditioner in this very old building that I work in. And I am looking forward to our move into the brand new building in less than 2 months!! Yeah!
Labels: Thankful Thursday
Labels: Recipes, Slow Cooker Thursday
Too see what works for others, visit Rocks in My Dryer.
Edited: If anyone seriously wants one of these -- drop me an email. The expensive part would be shipping it. But I am willing to try at the next sale.
Labels: Works for Me Wednesday
Something I've done on my kitchen counters is to "contain" all the odds and ends --salt and pepper shakers, sugar bowl, coffee grinder, honey bottle, olive oil etc.
Lots of stuff cluttering up the counters. I have very limited counter space -- and needed to do something because it was getting to me. My kitchen is a sage green and cream and we want accents in red. Joann's had a great sale on their baskets (60% off, plus a 10% off your entire order) a few weeks back and I picked up a set of cream baskets with a red/cream stripe lining. Love them!
I do not have a before picture, but just picture in your mind: CLUTTER. LOL!
Here is the salt/pepper/sugar bowl contained in this little basket which is next to the toaster. That side of the counter is completely bare with those exceptions, and if I need room, I only have to move the 1 basket.
This is a larger basket that I have at the other end of the counter. (yes, this is the only counter I have!) and it is sideways against the wall, so it doesn't take up as much space. My knife holder is behind it and my coffee maker is close to it. I have quite a bit of items in this basket. I pretty much use those items daily. Olive oil, coffee, coffee filters, Splenda container, honey jar, coffee grinder. This really works well for me. I have two other smaller ones. One on the kitchen table that holds paper napkins, and one on top of the microwave.
Labels: Organization, Tackle it Tuesday
Labels: Cookies, Menu Plan Monday, Recipes
Labels: Miscellaneous
Labels: Prayer. support
Labels: Friday Finds, Organization, Recipes
Labels: Recipes, Slow Cooker Thursday
Labels: Organization
Labels: Inspiration, Nuggets
Labels: Menu Plan Monday, Recipes
Labels: Frugal Friday
This is my first post for Thankful Thursday.
We have really been struggling lately -- nothing seems to be going right!
We had a visiting missionary in service last night; Bro Rufus Parker (Asia Military Missions) and his message was very encouraging. We needed that!
Today I am thankful for Bro Parker's message. In essence come back into the Holiest of Holies and let your Father embrace you -- and take care of all your needs.
I am thankful for that small sprout of faith and joy I felt while praying! I am encouraged!
I am thankful that the temperatures are in the 30/40s, so that I can do my morning 5am walks and prayer time. Its been so cold the last 2 months, I had to switch to in front of the woodstove!
I am thankful for my husband and his job.
I am thankful for my daughter (even though she thinks I am capable of taking care of everything!)
I am thankful for my sons and Josh getting up right away this morning to take me to work, when he didn't need to.
I am thankful for the encouragement on the posts for Thankful Thursday. What a blessing!
But most of all today, I am thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ for laying down His life for us -- so that we can spend eternity with Him.
Labels: Inspiration, Thankful Thursday
Labels: Recipes, Slow Cooker Thursday
Labels: Safety
This is my project for today. I most likely will not complete it, but I plan on starting it! But I have already organized the 1GB, and most of the 40GB. I really just need to organize the laptop files and tweak them all a bit. And delete things I really don't need anymore.
We are short a car, so I have been doing quite a bit of taxi service, and my youngest has a band concert and practice tonight after school. The joys of teenagers!
I thought I would include some resources on organizing your files on your PC. This is mainly for documents -- I will tackle the photos next week!
And unfortunately I will not have a photo for this project ...
Labels: Tackle it Tuesday
Labels: Ultimate Blog Party
Labels: Menu Plan Monday
Labels: Patriotism
Labels: Ultimate Blog Party
Labels: Inspiration
Labels: Ultimate Blog Party
Spray crockpot with Pam or grease with butter.
Dump 2 cans of fruit pie filling into pot.
Pour dry cake mix over top.
Pour one melted stick of butter on top of that.
Put on lid. Usually is done when the edges turn brown.
Approximately 4 hours on low.
Add whipped topping or ice cream when serving. Serve warm.
Visit Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for more great Slow Cooker recipes.
Labels: Recipes, Slow Cooker Thursday
A friend of ours always referred to us as the Crooksters (our last name is Crook) -- so hence the blog url. And my blog seems to be a little of this and a little of that ...
Some personal info: I am married to a wonderful man (who I don't appreciate enough!); he is a minister for the Lord Jesus Christ. We have 3 teenagers. A daughter in college, our resident princess; a son who is home educated with a virtual school and is a junior in high school; our resident computer geek; and a son who is a freshman and attends our local high school. He is our resident Musician.
I work outside the home with International Military Students who attend the military school and go on to be generals and leaders in their countries.
We live in the country with 2 horses, 2 goats, 1 dog, and entirely too many cats! Anyone want a cat? [grin}
I scrapbook, love to read and take walks; and strive to be organized! I don't think I do too bad a job because when I read all these tips, I say to myself "Hey I already do that!". If you need some advice on how to handle things with 3 teenagers, working outside the home and having a full time church activity schedule; and at the same time trying to keep things in order at home. I'd be glad to share.
Labels: Ultimate Blog Party
This is my first Tackle it Tuesday post ... I actually did get this done on Tuesday, but didn't have time to post until Wednesday morning! I have been looking and looking at my bedroom and started working on some of the drawers a few weeks ago. Mainly my "unmentionables" -- and that drawer was organized with shoe boxes. I wear dresses 24/7, so I have underclothes, top things, (in case that word decides to show up in a search!), slips, socks, and pantyhose, plus under shirt type things and my drawer isn't that big, so I wanted to fit them all in there and I did.
But anyway, I attacked two other drawers ... I have a bag full of shirts to give away, and still have too many. And then I worked on this:
Lovely isn't it? We live in an older farmhouse, and are in the process of remodeling -- but my closet does NOT have doors ... we do have a HUGE walk in closet and I have a lot of clothes in there too, and hubby keeps all his in there. I usually swap out winter and summer dresses and hang those in there.
Here is the finished results: (and it actually only took me about an hour and a half)
Labels: Tackle it Tuesday
Labels: Menu Plan Monday
Labels: Slow Cooker Thursday