July 31, 2007
A Special Giveaway and Ponderings

I found this give away this morning, courtesy of A Dusty Frame. Her paintings are beautiful!

I would love a watercolor of all my 3 kiddos -- now that would be awesome -- she also does Blog Designs and you can win that instead.

I ran out of time -- and did not get to do a drawing for my 100th post -- I did post my 100 Things About Me, and I saw that I was at 198 posts, so this is my 199th! I really need to do a giveaway for my 200th post .... but my struggle is in WHAT to do for the giveaway.

So -- my next post will be posted before Thankful Thursday (love that! it keeps me on track) and I will announce my giveaway.

Home front news: Mini got her stitches removed, and she bit. the. vet. again! Sigh! She never does that when I am with her -- but when they are alone with her -- makes you wonder? She has about 4 more weeks of healing, and this little typhoon is hard to keep contained. She does not put full weight on the leg, pretty much uses 3 legs to run and walk. When she does, she limps, so she just doesn't.

Josh is still sick, his neck still grossly swollen, even his face is swollen. He did come back positive for a different strain of strep -- so he was on antibiotics and that was a good thing. If he isn't much improved by Friday, I am taking him back. The doc wants to do blood work. Please drop a prayer heavenward for him.

Stephen started Band Camp -- and is wore out! Marching for 2 hours each morning when he is out of practice is not fun. He loves music though!

Sarai met a new friend at youth camp this week -- female -- and she is starting the process of moving out on her own. Scary for mom! Many decisions -- she needs to hear from God.

Joanna is 2 years old -- Happy Birthday Little One -- You are loved! I can remember seeing her head protruding from her mom's belly -- red and mad as you can get! Doctors taking her from her warm nest -- how could they? LOL! Time was flown.

Off to think and ponder some more about a giveaway ..... uuhhmmmmm

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July 28, 2007
My Purse Blessing!
While I did not win any of the Dog Days Of Summer Giveaways --I actually did not get a chance to visit very many blogs -- but I am really excited about 96 people visiting my blog!

I did receive my beautiful purse from Iris. Iris, is the very humble hostess of Thankful Thursday.
... all I can saw is ... Wow! Honestly, I was a little surprised at the quality and making of the purses. Its a REALLY nice purse. Did I say, REALLY REALLY nice.

Iris, I believe purchased it through Speaking Thru Me. If you are looking for a gift for a sister in your church group -- or even a new mommy. Please do go visit her blog -- there are some great items for sale. I was peeking this morning, and I really like a pink tote bag, it would be great for my work stuff!

Here's my blessing purse (the only the Lord knows how TRUE the verse is speaking to me at this season of life.)

Plus she sent another gift -- You did not have to do that Iris! And once again, I have to see the hand of the Lord in this. At times, we do not know how the Lord is using us to be a blessing to others or to speak through them. In this, He truly has. Iris, thank so very, very much. It was more than a giveaway ... it was straight from the Lord through you, a willing vessel. Hugs!!!

Here is my extra gift: (can you not see the Hand of God?)

Intimate Moments With God
Intimate Moments With God -- Personal Stories from Women Sharing the Scriptures That Changed Their Lives

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July 27, 2007
Dog Days of Summer Giveaway Winner!
I used a random number generator and the winner is ..... drumroll, please!

Congratulations, I will be sending you an email, or you are welcome to email me with your address.

Enjoy -- and I pray all those that entered our giveaway -- be blessed beyond measure.

I hope you'll come back and visit sometime.


Dog Days of Summer Giveaway! Our Prize!
It's here! And I'm a little late in the day posting mine -- but I think you'll like it!
To enter -- just leave a comment linking back to your blog -- I will draw a winner on Friday evening. (I'm being realistic so Friday evening about 9pm CST I will be drawing a name!) I will then contact you by email to request your mailing address.

Remember, you don't have to be a blogger to win., but please leave a comment with your email/contact details.
And the unveiling of my prize -- is a brand new (unopened) Audio CD from Focus on the Family -- Adventures in Odyssey Audio Series -- Friends, Family and Countrymen #39.
My kids loved Odyssey and still listen to it, especially in the car.
So -- come, browse around and enjoy!! Blessings to all who visit this week.

The Prize:

Don’t forget to check in over at Shannon’s blog as it appears the whole world of blogs are joining in this carnival and giving away all sorts of goodies.

Wow -- there are over 200 entries! Lots of great goodies!

Be sure to visit -- many more chances to win!

P.S. I did get my Monk and Neagle CD -- awesome, be sure to get this great CD for your listening pleasure.

Friday, July 27th -- I will close comments at Noon today and choose a winner by www.random.org and announce this evening. Mainly because I cannot access websites that have blogspot in the URLs from work! Ugh! Wishing you all the best.

COmments are now closed!


July 26, 2007
Thankful Thursday -- Peace and Joy
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

Galatians 5:22-24 KJV

Honestly, I'm not feeling very peaceful or joyful right now -- but I am choosing to be joyful God is good.

First, and foremost I am thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ -- the grace and mercy he extends to me and my family.

I"m thankful that Mini is healing well -- and running like a maniac until we can snatch her up. We call her the Minimizer. (ie Minimizes your bank account in a flash!) LOL!

I'm thankful my kids all were able to go to a short youth camp getaway this week. (I'm praying the Lord touches all of them in a mighty way!)

I'm thankful Josh is better -- he looked pretty bad yesterday -- he's never sick! -- swollen eyes, swollen mouth and huge neck. We were able to see the doctor due to a cancellation in a short amount of time. I'm thankful for that.

I'm thankful 21 out of the 24 guinea eggs hatched. And they are all safe and warm growing in a totally enclosed cage. (so no cats can get them this time!)

I'm thankful for Squirt -- she's usually always happy to see me and wants to go home with us when its time to leave. She does a heart good. I cant' believe she'll be 2 in a week!

I'm thankful for brothers and sisters in the Lord that pray and support you.

And as always, I am thankful for this community of bloggers who are an encouragement to me.

Visit Sting my heart for more Thankful Thursday praises! Be blessed!

Edited to Add: Please drop a prayer or two heavenward for Josh -- I got a call this morning that he had a rough night. His throat closing up and nose bloods. I so wanted to pick him up from camp but he does NOT WANT ME TO. I'm not sure if it is the medication reaction or just what ever has happening with the swelling. Honestly, I'm a little afraid, especially since he is so far away. His roommate told my daugher that he was choking and talking strange things. The enemy does desire to have him -- please help me lift him up before the throne of God. Thanks so much.

2. I can post at work, but can not access any blogspot websites. {sigh} How dumb is that? So, I will visit tonight. {At least (hopefully) it will help me keep my mind off my kids!}


July 25, 2007
Happy Birthday Sarai!

Today is our oldest child's 20th birthday! The time has literally flown!

Happy Birthday Sarai -- you are loved! Don't rush your life -- God has a perfect plan for you!


July 23, 2007
Remembering Joel ...
This little boy touched my life in an amazing way. His family has created a video of their journey. Go visit and say a prayer on your way.

Joel's Journey -- The Sanctity of Life.


Menu Plan Monday
I do so much better when I plan out the week -- my husband goes back to work after being off for 10 weeks, and my teenagers are all going to Church Camp from Wed - Sat.

So -- it will just be my husband, brother and myself for a few days.

Monday - Grilled Teriyaki Chicken, Grilled Zucchini and Orzo

Tuesday -- Chicken Parmigiana and pasta

Wednesday -- Leftovers / sandwiches

Thursday -- Hamburgers on the grill, oven baked fries

Friday -- Homemade Pizza


July 20, 2007
Monk and Neagle CD
If you have been around blogville -- and visit Boo Mama -- you may have seen that they were giving away 100 CDs. {sigh} I am always late! But when I visited the site, they said sign up anyway, maybe they will round up 50 more CDs. So, I did. That was this morning. I just checked my email and Brian said one was on the way! How cool is that?
We were actually blessed to see these guys in action -- they were one of the opening bands for MercyMe-- I believe in 2005. My husband liked them so much, he bought their CD and not MM! So -- go sign up -- you never know? Its actually pretty good.
monk & neagle banner

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July 18, 2007
Thankful Thursday -- Strength
First, I am thankful for the grace of God. The Lord is so good to us -- even when we (I) don't deserve it!

I'm thankful to be back to post my thanks. Its been a couple of weeks due to work and being out of town. Forgive the length of this post ahead of time. {grin}
I'm thankful things have slowed down at work quite a bit -- honestly I've been doing the majority of the workload and I was stressed, now I'm just tired. I really need to be thankful that I have a job!

I'm thankful the Lord made a way financially for us to go to Ohio for the Youth Conference. It was a wonderful 78 degrees and services were awesome. God spoke through the preaching of the word to my sons and to us. I pray we listen and heed.

There was a bit of opposition and my husband didn't feel we should go. So ... we didn't pack or anything. The boys and I were pretty disappointed and well, just not happy! I had really felt the Lord wanted our boys to go. My husband got up and ended up going to our church to pray and called our Pastor -- and then in a whirlwind -- packing, washing and cleaning up in record time. Off we went. God moved and things were peaceful.

On Saturday, on the 103rd floor of the Sears Tower -- my phone rang and Mini hurt her leg. She hurt it good. {sigh} I am trying to be thankful it wasn't something worse -- although in our plans to lessen our debt -- this just undid quite a few months of sacrifice.

I'm thankful my son Josh was raised in the truth -- and he knows what is right. He had to make some choices and thankfully made some correct ones. Please pray for strength for him.

I'm thankful for the Internet, digital cameras and cell phones! What a blessing they are (although sometimes a thorn!)

I'm thankful for brothers and sisters in the Lord that pray and support you -- and this community of bloggers who are an encouragement to me. I hope I can visit today!

For more Thankful Thursday, head on over to our guest host, Laurel Wreath's, place.

We had watermelon last night and slices were on my famous huge tray and when I went back to the kitchen, I found this.

Josh's creation.

I'm praying he will stay close to the cross.


Win $300 of Free Dairy Products from Horizon Organic!
5 Minutes for Mom is having another amazing contest. I've been blessed with 2 prizes this past year -- Norton Antivirus 2007 and an amazingly cool purse. Now, $300 worth of Horizon Organic products would be an awesome blessing!

"Win $300 of Free Dairy Products from Horizon Organic! A Fantastic Company and a Fabulous Prize…...(one lucky winner will receive about 60 gift certificates for Horizon Organic products - each with a value of $4.99!

That is about $300 worth of groceries - how cool is that?)

Wow! Head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom and sign up to win.


July 17, 2007
Dog Days of Summer Giveaway!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Stay tuned for more information from me. Or click on the pup for the host site. How cool?


July 15, 2007
A few prayer requests ...
We were gone this past week to a Youth Conference in Akron, Ohio. I really felt that the Lord wanted our boys to go. That they needed to go. Awesome preaching and great fellowship. Both boys said they wanted to go back next year. I'm thrilled about that.

Everything was quiet -- standing on the 103rd floor of the Sears Tower, my cell phone rings. My brother. At home. Mini broke her leg. This girl when she does things, she does them well. Its broke at the joint at the top. The elbow? She will have to have surgery. Please pray for the Lord to touch her, and our finances to endure this expense. She is home -- but isn't doing too well. In pain, and the vet gave her a shot which she has had an allergic reaction to. Poor mite. She's swollen up. God does things so much better than people. I asked my husband to anoint her with oil and prayer for her. We did and I am believing God.

Sarai is sick again -- please pray for her. She really needs a touch from the Lord.

Please pray for Mei-Ling -- she's doing better -- but prayer is needed for other medical issues. She's adorable, isn't she?

My husband is a Craig's list junkie -- and just saw an ad from the people we sold the horses too -- THEY ARE SELLING THEM! We are in shock -- we so wanted a good home for them, and thought that is where they were. Please pray for my babies. I'm so sad for them.

Its been a bit of an overwhelming day -- the enemy is angry -- but I am going to rejoice and believe the Lord for good things -- miracles and blessings around!


By the grace of God ...
... it is never more truer than when you see the hand of God and know that your life was spared.

We were travelling home from Ohio this morning on I-80 near Newton, Iowa when an SUV one lane over swerved a bit and seeing another car (the one directly in front of us) jerked her wheel back -- totally lost control of the vehicle -- shot back over to our lane and rolled over and over across the median onto the east bound lanes. My husband had to change lanes quickly to the right lane to avoid hitting the car. It was horrible. My son said he never wanted to see anything like that again. We cried out as one to the Lord.

Please pray for this family today -- I don't know them -- but they made eternity so much closer.
Two of the children died at the scene. You can read the story here. Its not accurate, she did not try to pass a tractor trailer -- it was just a small car. We wondered if she fell asleep - or maybe had spilled something. I do know, they need our prayers, will you join me?


July 9, 2007
A Blessing in Return
It's been a rough week -- things in turmoil in our home -- I welcomed the break away from most of my family on Saturday. I think I needed it, and so did they.

This morning, when I was checking email, lo and behold -- to my total surprise, there was an email from Iris of Sting My Heart and my favorite "Thankful Thursday"

I am the blessed recipient of "the purse!"

How absolutely totally cool is that?

And notice the scripture -- it is most fitting at this season of my life. Thanks Iris!!

P. S. You can also purchase one of these -- visit Leigh Gray at Speaking thru Me.


July 7, 2007
Our 7-7-07 Day!

Honestly, our Saturday morning didn't start out too great. There has been quite a bit of turmoil in our home lately -- but God is on the throne. I believe that. I have to. Its my lifeline.

I ran a couple of errands alone .. Dillons and Aldi -- as I was craving a huge salad filled with veggies and we needed milk ... we always seem to need milk.
Stephen and I went to watch a co-worker ride a Nextel Cup Car with the Andretti Gordon driving school. She is a huge Nascar fan -- so this is right up her alley. I have tried to be a light to her -- and she emailed and asked if I would come a few times over the last few weeks, and called me today. I needed a break from my house, so dragged Stephen with me. He really did not want to go but his brother was working, so I didn't give him a choice.

It was hot! We went last year when she road in another kind of driving thingy. The boys wanted to do it -- and we thought about that for a birthday gift, but hadn't done it. We waited and watched and I decided that I would bless my son with a ride, if they would let us. I called my husband and he said it was fine. Its already been a long summer for the boy -- and I thought I would bless him. This will be a small sacrifice for us -- but the joy it brought him was well worth it.

Here's some photo and highlights.

We did receive an extra special blessing because his car ran out of gas on the other side of the track! I guess it paid being last. They coasted back to our side, pulled him out and he jumped in another car. He had been on his third lap -- so he was blessed with 2 more laps. And the second driver gave him a faster ride. Speeds were up to 180 mph!

He said it was awesome! When he got out he shook fists with the driver -- I wish I had captured that photo!


July 5, 2007
5 Minutes for Mom -- NeatReceipts Scanalizer Giveaway
I would love this product -- 5 Minutes for Mom is hosting a giveaway and they have 10 to give away. I would use it for our budget and spending tracking, recipes, tax purposes and archival of receipts. Visit 5 Minutes for Mom to enter. July 12th is the deadline.

Here's a bit about the product:

The NeatReceipts Scanalizer is really limitless in its potential uses. It was first designed for business purposes, but they have expanded it to include many personal applications as well. The unique thing about this portable personal scanner is the software which stores, sorts and analyzes the data that you provide as you scan in your items. You can scan your child’s artwork and date it by month or year and store it forever! You can scan recipes or articles from magazines and then sort them and search for them by title or categories that you have assigned.


July 4, 2007
Happy Independence Day!

Happy 4th everyone!

I am back online -- we are having a rather large BBQ at our house. About 30 or so folks will be here.

We had a good time last year and they wanted to do it again, only this time -- it doubled in size!

You may want to drop a small prayer for me today -- I may need it. Plan to do visiting and catching up tomorrow since I have the day off. Be blessed!


4th of July Giveways at 5 Minutes for Mom
There is going to be a dozen giveaways at 5 Minutes for Mom between today and the 4th of July. How cool is that?

21 June -- The very first one, posted today is for a Krups GVS1 Ice Cream Maker and a 4 piece set of Rosanna Sweet Dreams Bowls courtesy of SplendidLife.com. To enter, click here.

A Land's End gift card?
A Lands’ End gift card good for a custom swimsuit with a retail value of $120! Click over and leave a comment to be entered to win. (This contest is open to Canadians!) I don't need a swimsuit -- but wonder if we can get something else? But -- enter if you need one!

Their third contest is for a package of 50 customized Momager Calling Cards™ from Paperlicious. If you want to win this fun and fabulous set of Mommy Cards, click over and leave your comment.

How cool is this one?

They are giving one of you (and a friend!) free admission and 4 star luxury accommodation at the next Motherhood Redefined weekend event in beautiful Arizona! The prize is worth more than $1000!!! Click here to enter. I would enjoy this one, but would probably love to bring my husband! LOL!

