July 5, 2007
5 Minutes for Mom -- NeatReceipts Scanalizer Giveaway
I would love this product -- 5 Minutes for Mom is hosting a giveaway and they have 10 to give away. I would use it for our budget and spending tracking, recipes, tax purposes and archival of receipts. Visit 5 Minutes for Mom to enter. July 12th is the deadline.

Here's a bit about the product:

The NeatReceipts Scanalizer is really limitless in its potential uses. It was first designed for business purposes, but they have expanded it to include many personal applications as well. The unique thing about this portable personal scanner is the software which stores, sorts and analyzes the data that you provide as you scan in your items. You can scan your child’s artwork and date it by month or year and store it forever! You can scan recipes or articles from magazines and then sort them and search for them by title or categories that you have assigned.



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