March 29, 2010


Menu Plan Monday -- March 29th

Easter Week -- I've been playing Farmville on Facebook, since a little before Christmas.  I'm not a veteran farmer -- some people have amazing farms -- I get tired of it and go back to Cafe World - and then I get suckered in by eggs ... they are Easter Eggs by the way, NOT Spring Eggs.  How dumb.

The kids should close on their house on Wednesday.  Then busy season will kick in -- lots of painting and cleaning and move and organizing.  Then I get to get my house straightened up when all their stuff leaves!!   They will be missed, but I am glad for them.   God is blessing them amazingly.  

Sunday -- out to lunch with Sarai and Stephen

Monday -- Vegetable Beef Soup (it's made, it just didn't get eaten....)

Tuesday -- Lemon Pepper Tilapia, Rice and Veggies

Wednesday -- Chicken Bulgogi, Rice and Veggies

Thursday -- Pasta, Salad

Friday -- Pizza

Trying to decide what to make for Easter lunch .... I have a turkey in the freezer and a roast -- so it will be one or the other. 

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March 22, 2010
Menu Plan Monday ... March 22
   We had a bunch of snow over the weekend, one of my bosses totalled his truck ... thankfully no one was hurt, but the truck didn't fare as well.

  I haven't been feeling that great -- hate that -- makes my mind work overtime.

I am keeping my trust and faith in the Lord.  Even if I have to remind myself of this twenty times a day.

Here's the plan:

Monday -- Chicken Chili, Jasmine Rice, Veggies and Fruit   (make Fried Rice for lunches)

Tuesday -- Tortellini Soup (using Ground White Turkey) 

Wednesday -- Vegetable Beef Soup

Thursday -- Lemon Pepper Tilapia, Orzo, Salad, Veggies and Fruit

Friday -- Chicken Cutlets, Veggies and Sweet Potatoes

Saturday -- Chicken Bulgogi, Jasmine Rice, Veggies

Other things I want or can make:

Sugar Cookies for the kiddos

Pizza Cups for lunches

Bertolli Skillet Meals

Please pray for me ... I am getting weary ... pray for the house closing -- the mortgage company needs to get with the program to meet the auction companie's requests.

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March 15, 2010
Menu Plan Monday -- March 15

It's been a crazy Monday -- the poor kids are scrambling to get paperwork for the mortgage company -- why do they always wait till the very last??

They want a copy of a cashed check, PLUS a letter from the bank having the name on the account, the account number, the amount of the check and what date it cleared, signed by a bank representative on bank letterhead.  They are going to think we've lost it.

Quiet weekend, Roy started his new job today -- and he is sick --and his first mission?  Was to drive up to Atchison (his old work) to deliver miss delivered mail.  LOL.   Too funny.

Made Crockpot BBQ Chicken, Unfried Cabbage, Spinach and Sweet Potatoes for Sunday lunch. 

Monday -- Not sure about tonight -- there is plenty of leftovers, so will probably go with that.

Have a few appointments for physical therapy and eyes so will do the list this week, and cook what I am in the mood to cook for that evening -- our freezer is packed, so trying to eat from there.

Corned Beef, Cabbage and Boiled Potatoes/Carrots
Sloppy Joes, Oven Baked Fries, Veggies and Salad
Tilapia, Rice and Veggies and Salad
Chicken Bulgogi, Rice, Veggies and Salad
Homemade Pizza
Hamburger Patty Special, Orzo and Veggies and Salad
Chicken Chili

Baked Southwestern Egg Rolls

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March 9, 2010

This was taken of Bandit last night -- he was back up on his feet.   We checked him late at night and he was on his feet, this morning, not so.  It ended up being a cold and wet day here.  Not good for goats, especially ones that aren't well.   I found him laying in the rain -- Josh helped me wrap him in a blanket and we brought him inside.  Dried him off somewhat, put him near a heater and syringed some fluids down him.  
I thought he might be in pain -- I didn't want to be selfish and have him suffer, I asked the Lord to take him if he was.   Hub came home and went right to him, he died a little while later.  Safe in his daddy's arms.

Hub took it a little hard.  He went out and dug a hole to bury him. 
 (This is the FIRST goat he has done that for) 
 Josh and I wrapped him in the blanket very gently -- and hub put him to rest.

Sad day.  Glad he isn't hurting anymore.

But he will DEFINITELY be missed.
He was going to stay with us until he grew old.  

The rest of the ladies last night ... with a few boys thrown in the mix.

Hub took the dogs and went to bed. 

If you would, say a prayer for him, that his heart would be comforted.

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March 8, 2010
Menu Plan Monday -- March 8th
It was a beautiful weekend weather wise -- I think we have rain on the horizon .... the ground is soaked already, we really do not need more right now. 

Lexi and I took ALL the animals to the vet on Saturday.  That was an ADVENTURE.

We found out Cloud is actually a BOY.  I told them, but they wouldn't listen ... yeah.   A BOY. 

Later that evening, Lexi brought Trixi downstairs and asked me to look at her.  OH MY.   That started a little whirlwind trip to the emergency vet in Kansas City.   Her face was HUGELY swollen, she didn't look so good.   Lexi held her and I drove .... thankful the vet on duty did not charge for the exam.   It is  normally $80.00.  The receptionist said that she is one of the vets who do not charge for the exam for this sort of problem out of professioinal courtesy.  Awesome!   We only had to pay for the meds.   She is doing better today.  I don't think I can handle the loss of another dog just yet ... if ever.  =0)

My co-workers will both be on leave starting tomorrow and Wednesday -- so it shall be busy here.  I'm  thrilled.

Monday -- Chicken Quesadillas, Brown Rice, Veggies, Salad

Tuesday -- Hamburger Patty Special, Orzo, Veggies and Salad

Wednesday -- Bertolli Skillet Meal, Veggies and Salad

Thursday -- Lemon Pepper Tilapia, Brown Rice / Rice Cooker Mac & Cheese, Veggies & Salad

Friday -- Sloppy Joes, Oven Fries, Veggies and Salad

Saturday -- Chicken Fried Rice

Sunday -- Crockpot BBQ Chicken, Sweet Potatoes, Cheesy Ranch Potatoes, Veggies and Salad

Also going to make a batch of Breakfast Cookies (and use Agave Nectar for the sugar), Cookies for Stephen's teacher (any suggestions?) and a batch of Vanilla Rice Pudding and will be trying yogurt again in my yogurt maker.  I am going to buy some greek yogurt and use that as the starter yogurt.

We'll be handling Children's Church on Sunday -- so lots to prepare for that!   Have a great week!!

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March 5, 2010
For some reason, it has been a particularly long week.  I have a work event tonight, and the overtime is helpful but I really don't want to work .... start at 0700 am and don't get home till about 9 or 930 pm.

One seriously LONG day.

Taking ALL the dogs to the vet tomorrow for shots .... Lexi and I are that is!  There's Sammy, Mini, Rocko and Cat.  Then Trixi and Shadow.   We are seriously taking two cars ... Sammy is a moose.

Pray for Lexi -- I knew the new office where she works would have some drama -- I worked there for a while and the top reason I LEFT.   I guess two ladies have been giving her a particular rough time.  Making her look like she doesn't know anything in front of customers, and constantly making sure she has customers -- when they really need to worry about themselves.   That kind of harassment is not fun.   She should probably call them on it -- but she has a quiet spirit -- her chain of command needs to take care of that.  It's miserable working in an environment like that -- and this is a government work environment -- there are regulations and laws governing this type of nonsense.  A simple, if you don't knock it off, then I'm writing you up should get their attention.   At our office, one man does that to one of the other ladies -- he never EVER says a kind word, its always a put down or a snotty answer, if he actually even does answer her.  I know he's been told, but they've never actually done anything ... and so it continues.  But like I told her, unless you do something and go higher, then don't complain.   I had one incident and it got ugly, but its not happened again.   I didn't back down -- and he ended up looking like a fool in front of a ton of people.  There is no way I am putting up with that on a daily basis.  So, keep her in your prayers that everything settles down.  She said she had a GREAT day yesterday ... and that's because the lady wasn't there.  {sigh} SAD.

Our driveway seriously needs some help .... ruts and mud.  I've called for some estimates, it needs to be done.  We've found if you let the little stuff go in the house, it turns into BIG things and then you have a nightmare of a house.  

Hub has one more week of work and then he's off to his new position!   He's a lot closer to home and is glad he can stop at the church for prayer before and/or after or even during lunch.   It's much easier to prayer at our church then home ... after Stephen graduates I hope to incooperate a trip there every morning, or start my walking in the morning (once things dry up!) and I pray as I go.  NO DISTRACTIONS.   =0) 

The doctor ordered an X-Ray, EKG on Wednesday -- and also a stress test.  I am waiting for the call to get that done.  I also start physical therapy on my arm on Tuesday.  It's been hurting pretty bad and limited in movement and strength.   Thankfully its right here at the local VA Medical Center, and the therapist is a certified lymphodema specialist.  No more  hour drives ...

Thanks for your prayers -- am praying whomever reads this has an awesome day!!  (and weekend!)

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March 3, 2010
March 3rd
Today is a pretty significant day for me ... and there are many ... but this is one of the BIG ones.

One year ago today, I went to KU Medical Center for a mammogram .... this day and those following changed my ENTIRE world.  

My thoughts, my cares, my health, my friendships, my relationships with people .... everything ... even some of my worst nightmares came to life after this date ...

I came to realize that the ONLY one you can depend on ever is the Lord.  

My relationship with Him changed after this ... but all for the good.   

I could NOT have made any steps forward without the strength He gave me. 

I realized I am a lot tougher than I ever thought I was.

I still wish people would think before talking to me about some things -- it still hurts, its not even been six months since surgery.

Headed back to the doctor today ...

And one thing that hasn't changed is, that I still covet your prayers and am very thankful for them.

While I didn't have a lot of tangible support ... I am very glad for the prayers.

Missing Taco today.   He's still close to my heart .... hasn't been 4 months yet ...

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March 2, 2010
You Are ...
This is a new song we have been singing in church ... love it ... so very true.

It makes me weep every time we sing it.

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March 1, 2010
Menu Plan Monday -- 1 March 2010
Happy Monday!   {eyeroll}  So didn't want to go to work today ... when I am motivated to get things done at the house like this morning .... here I am at work.

Busy week this week, lots of things on the agenda.

The seller for the house, offered to pay  up to $2940. in closing costs.  How awesome is that?   God has been blessing my son.   He is a cheerful giver  -- at times puts me to shame, and those twice his age.  =)

Monday -- Baked Ziti, Salad and Bread   (mixed this up yesterday with some leftover pasta and sauce!)

Tuesday -- Bulgogi, Rice and Veggies

Wednesday -- Chicken Fried Rice and Leftovers

Thursday -- Chicken Cutlets, Some kind of Potatoes, Veggies

Friday -- Work Event ... so they will probably get fast food.  (Spring Food Fair!)

Saturday -- Homemade Pizza

Sunday -- Undecided ... I am craving Chinese Food!

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