March 3, 2010
March 3rd
Today is a pretty significant day for me ... and there are many ... but this is one of the BIG ones.

One year ago today, I went to KU Medical Center for a mammogram .... this day and those following changed my ENTIRE world.  

My thoughts, my cares, my health, my friendships, my relationships with people .... everything ... even some of my worst nightmares came to life after this date ...

I came to realize that the ONLY one you can depend on ever is the Lord.  

My relationship with Him changed after this ... but all for the good.   

I could NOT have made any steps forward without the strength He gave me. 

I realized I am a lot tougher than I ever thought I was.

I still wish people would think before talking to me about some things -- it still hurts, its not even been six months since surgery.

Headed back to the doctor today ...

And one thing that hasn't changed is, that I still covet your prayers and am very thankful for them.

While I didn't have a lot of tangible support ... I am very glad for the prayers.

Missing Taco today.   He's still close to my heart .... hasn't been 4 months yet ...

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Been missing my Katie today too. Let's just give each other a huggle shall we? My thoughts and prayers are with you as always.

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