January 26, 2008
Saturday Meanderings ...
I'm sure most bloggers know about the "Pioneer Woman" and her food blog "The Pioneer Woman Cooks" -- which has a vast array of yummy - normal - recipes. She is also an awesome photographer so each recipe is photoed step by step with occasional input of dry humour.

I am making her "Oatmeal Crispies" this morning - minus the nuts -- and adding raisins. Instead of 1 cup of shortening, I used 1/2 cup of butter and 1/2 cups of Spectra Organic Shortening.

If you haven't visited -- visit after you have eaten because you will come away drooling at the mouth for some homemade goodness.

Car News ... it looks like I will have to use my warranty after all -- I am at 97,643 miles! I really wanted the $1800 warranty money back to start an emergency fund and pay off 2 bills, but the Lord knew better (imagine that??) -- Transmission fluid is leaking and I will have to have new seals put in. I guess its better now because it would cost more than the warranty refund would have been. (When we originally purchased the car -- they had this "deal" if you bought the warranty and didn't use it your money would be refunded once you reached 100K miles or 3 years) I will pay off my car this year and so do not want a car payment EVER -- but it will be a nice break and can focus on taking care of other bills for a while. And of course, I would like it to be in good running condition. God knows .... and I am thankful this happened NOW instead of after 100k miles!!

Tricia and Gwyneth News: Tricia is doing great and was able to meet Gwyneth! How awesome is that!!! Please continue to pray for both of them.

Cookie Update: Wow -- these are the best oatmeal cookies, I have been trying to find the ultimate oatmeal raisin cookie and I think I have found it! Yippee~


Super Saving Saturday! ( Very Sweet Deals ...)
I was passing Homeland Store -- and decided to pop in and take advantage of some inexpensive cereal. Captain Crunch was on sale for $1.50 this week, and I had five 50 cents off coupons. What I did not know is that they will ONLY double the first one on repetitive coupons. So ... they were kind enough to do 5 transactions. 5 boxes of cereal for $2.50 is okay with me. Not the most healthy but .... a need right now. (one box is not in the photo)

Then I stopped by CVS -- I didn't really have a plan in mind but one thing we lack after months of CVS shopping is deodorant, so I took advantage of that and the M&Ms deal (of course!) I must admit that I do have plans for some of them .... but since some of the recipients read my blog -- you will have to wait and see. I need a filler on the second transaction and found some gummy sharks for 10 cents a bag.

First Transaction:
10 Bags of M&Ms
2 Mennen Deodorant
ECBs gained: 18.99
OOP: .47 cents
Total savings: $38.45 (according to receipt)
Second Transaction:
2 Mennen Deodorant
1 Dove Deodorant
5 bags Gummy Sharks
ECBs gained: 7.98
OOP .57 cents
Total Savings: 15.43 (according to receipt)
ECBs on hand: (including above ) $48.97
I think that is a good number to have -- I did have over $120 but purchased 2 of those office chairs that were on special a week or so ago.
And visit Money Saving Mom for some links to great savings!!


January 24, 2008
Thankful Thursday - the Breathe of Life
Today, I am thankful for the breathe of life, the love and grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I am thankful for my husband and children (who keep me on my toes & knees!) {smile}

I am thankful for all the Lord has blessed us with -- good health, tangigle things and His many answers to prayers.

Iris is back to hosting Thankful Thursday, so be sure to stop by & join us.


January 19, 2008
Its still winter around here!
It is still pretty chilly around the home front -- this morning we woke up and the temperature was 5 degrees. Chilly Willy!! Since we heat with wood, on mornings like these it sure is a struggle to get out of bed. It's just plain cold out!!

Thursday morning we woke up to more snow -- and we had a 2 hour delay before I had to be at work. I have decided they do that just so they don't have to pay overtime to those employees who have to plow the streets on post and shovel the sidewalks and parking lots. Instead they would rather pay the 99.9% other employees for 2 hours that they aren't at work. How silly -- but its probably pretty close to the truth.

As I went outside to start warming up my car -- I found this ...

A freshly shovelled walk to my car !!

I know he is pressed for time himself in the mornings, as he feeds ALL the animals before he leaves for work. I know he doesn't not want me to fall again -- when you are married you kind of feel the other's pain. {wink} He usually makes our bed every morning -- but not on this morning, I was still in it!! It took a while to "defrost" my car.

He is speaking at a church in the city tomorrow morning, so please remember him in prayer, that God's will be done. Lots going on for a Sunday. We will have some visitors at service in the evening as well.

Josh was all covered and Mini (a.k.a. Ms. Nosey) had to check him out ... she managed to stick her nose in the nose hole just so she could give him a lick. Yuck!

I accomplished a lot of errands today -- this week we were out of many of our basic staples -- dog food, cat food, milk, cereal, sugar, flour, mayo, ketchup, cheese and vacuum bags. I doubt I could ever have a $35 a week grocery budget like Crystal does -- but I do know that I have saved quite a bit of money going to CVS -- so maybe there is hope for us yet!

Melinda's new grand baby Myra went home this past week -- and she made it over the 5 lb mark before she was released. She even shared some photos of the little mite. They change so quickly. She will be running before you know it.


January 16, 2008
Prayer Requests
Please pray ....

for Tricia -- a young mom with CF -- her baby Gwyneth was born on 6 Jan 08 -- at 24 weeks!
She was 1 lb., 6 oz. Both on currently on ventilators, and Tricia is needing a double lung transplant.

Please pray for Tricia and her baby -- please stop by and visit her husband's blog to see updates and leave an encouraging word. She is one amazingly strong young lady!


January 15, 2008
Choosing Joy Today!
Why don't you join me?

Image courtesy of ChristArt.

Did you know the word "JOY" is written 102 times in the Old Testament and 63 times in the New Testament. (King James Version)

Here's a small sample of those that touched my heart today!

But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee. Psa 5:11

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence [is] fullness of joy; at thy right hand [there are] pleasures for evermore. Psa 16:11

Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all [ye that are] upright in heart. Psa 32:11

Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me [with thy] free spirit. Psa 51:12

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Jam 1:2


January 14, 2008
In light of recent events ....
Its been one of those weekends ... days? .... uh months? And as I struggle with people, I decided I would blog about it -- forgive me if you are offended, and while my spirit may not be totally in the right -- and since I am not bold enough to tell you to your face, I know if you read this, you will most definitely get the point.

No, we do not live under a rock. (Contrary to popular belief)

I didn't think that it was anyone's business -- but mayhap what people meant for evil, God meant for good? And, no I do not believe you had our best interests in mind at all. Remember that we've felt the barbs before ...

Also before you judge -- consider your own planks ....

Prayers and love are welcome and coveted .... the rest we can just as soon do without ...

We know what it takes to make sure people don't stay in the church -- how about trying something different???

P.S. Sorry blogland -- please keep us and "well meaning" people in prayer! (sigh)

Images courtesy of Christ Art.


January 11, 2008
2008 Goals (not resolutions!!)

Image courtesty of Christ Art

I decided that the word "goal" is better than "resolution" -- I have a few I hope to accomplish in 2008.

So without further ado --

  1. Increase my prayer time and read through the Bible by June.

  2. Get rid of clutter and get more organized.

  3. Lose 20 lbs. (2 down so far!) And be more active -- my elbow has slowed me down.

  4. Be more understanding and compassionate. (I hesitate to use the word patience!)

  5. Decrease our debts dramatically and not increase it! Stick to a stricter budget.

  6. Be more friendly. With my kids growing up and moving out, I am getting lonely. I am hoping the Lord will send someone that I can do things with -- window shop, scrapbook, take a class together, do some out reach work etc.
I love a new start and hoping that in 2008 I can accomplish all these things and more.


January 10, 2008
Thankful Thursday - the goodness of God
It's turned out to be a pretty busy day at work -- filled with "projects" delegated to me -- of course they ask "Is this done?" or "Is this done?" -- Kind of impossible when you have me doing extra project. i.e. their job! LOL!

Taking a 5 minute break to clear my brain -- I uploaded a couple of photos this morning before I left the house -- I need to add photos!

Just wanted to thank the Lord for His goodness and grace -- so much has been taught on prayer lately from the pulpit -- my husband and I took over Children's Church and I spoke on prayer as well, it was what the Lord impressed upon my heart.

I don't want to "need" a reason to pray, I just want a "desire" to pray.

We've been sick around here but the Lord has been faithful and I thank Him for keeping His hand of protection upon us. Its gone from freezing to 50 degree weather with the sun shining to huge snowflakes falling from the sky.

Years ago we bought my husband an ice cream bowl, I believe from Target and about a year or two ago one of the boys broke it by accident and we tried to find an exact replacement, without success. Last fall during a meandering trip through Goodwill -- to our surprise -- we found the exact one. It didn't even look like it had been used -- for the whopping price of $1.48, we snatched it up and added it to his Christmas pile.

On Christmas morning, he sure was surprised to open the package and see his bowl. Ya know -- we had found a different bowl that he has been using -- but now he is "officially' back to his favorite bowl. He uses this for cereal and ice cream. I consider that a small blessing from the Lord.

And this of course is my most favorite littlest person in the entire world. Her mom gave me this -- Pooh or course is another favorite and Piglet too!
Just wanted to thank the Lord today for answered prayers, future prayers that He has yet to answer and showing us the direction He desires to take for our lives! He is so very good to us!

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January 7, 2008
2008 ...uh what happened to 2007?
Not sure where the remaining weeks of 2007 went! I was off from work and the Internet decided to act up -- so no posting and barely reading of blogs.

Lots has happened since Christmas -- our Christmas Scavenger Hunt went great -- I'll post some of the clues my husband came up with -- a few had the kids stumped for a while.

This past week has brought much flu sickness to our household -- Stephen, Josh and Sarai were all sick and my hub is sick now. {sigh} I am desperately praying that the Lord spares from me this mess -- its not pretty. Josh took Stephen to Bible Quizzing tonight and I asked him to pick up some Oscillococcinum at CVS. Our Pastor says this works great.

Melinda became a grandma on December 29Th for the first time -- a tad 6 weeks earlier than expected. I ended up taking her to the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night because her daughter had her younger children for Christmas break and that baby came quick -- she was not messing around! The baby was on her way out the door to the waiting helicopter for a midnight ride when we arrived. She is still in the NICU but is doing great -- this is a miracle baby -- so the Lord has everything in control. She sure can eat and I have dubbed her "Piglet". I will share a photo of her little hand that I took on New Year's Day -- I am sure Melinda will share photos soon.
Christmas was fun and amazingly enough I was feeling pretty good -- we had to wait for Sarai to pick up my brother before we opened presents and Stephen decided that we are NOT doing that next year, after all it was about 10:30 am!! Silly boy.

Christmas was nice and Josh remembered about my birthday at the 5pm mark -- sometimes that boy tests you beyond belief, but he sure can lay on the charm when he wants to!

Scavenger Hunt Hints

JOY to the world. (A joy word sign on the window -- present hidden behind)

You fixed it, then I fixed it, just so Stephen could have it. (Josh had fixed his dresser drawer, then my hub had to fix it, and then Josh moved out of that room and the dresser became Stephen''s. He got that pretty quick.

It goes round and round. (this was the dryer -- although it could have been alot of places)

Photo Sharing

Josh gave me the Pooh for Christmas, my hub gave me Tigger last Christmas. Now I need Piglet and Eeyore! They are pretty tall -- a little over 2 feet I would think.

Sarai's gag gift hat -- my brother behind her and nosey Mini on the back of the couch. Sarai L.O.V.E.S PINK.
Josh with a Wii. Sarai stood in line till midnight to get one on Saturday night before Thanksgiving and didn't tell us about it at all. Thankfully she did not go alone and was escorted to her car. Whew!! I've played it and its really fun. I like the bowling.
Sarai received a gift card from someone at her work and YES, she found and bought a PINK Monopoly game. Crazy!!
Stephen with his new hoodie -- this was the the Black Friday early morning trip to JCPenney. (I can't believe how TALL that boy is getting!)


Aside from fighting some bugs -- the weather has been extremely cold until this past Saturday, today it was 53 and all the snow melted into slushy, yucky mud.

I have applied for some other jobs-- I really like my job -- but honestly I'm looking for a higher position. We shall see, I get alot of people telling me about how they have this job and want me there, but have yet to see it. We have in-processing registration and an evening to work this week, so it will be a full week.

Josh is almost done with his school work for his Senior Year -- he had a LOT to turn into the school today and truly by the grace of God was he able to get it done. He was pretty sick, but we had prayed for grace. God granted it.

Stephen is skipping concert band this semester and taking Forensics -- he likes speaking in front of people -- and doing skits and things like that.

Sarai is working hard -- too hard probably, lots of required overtime over an already full schedule.

Goats, Guineas and Pups are all doing well.

I have started physical therapy for my elbow and have a splint for night wear -- my extension is 38 degrees. Just for the record normal is 0 degrees, so I have a way to go. There are some calcium deposits tat have started but hopefully no more and none that impede the mobility of my arm!

Quick Prayer -- When we bought our Subaru Outback they offered us this deal that if you bought the extended warranty and did NOT use, they would give you the money back after you hit the 100K or time. We were blessed in never having to use it, and now they are giving up the run around about returnig our money. I'd rather God fight this battle, but if He desires us to go to court to get it back, then so be it.
