Christmas was nice and Josh remembered about my birthday at the 5pm mark -- sometimes that boy tests you beyond belief, but he sure can lay on the charm when he wants to!
Scavenger Hunt Hints
JOY to the world. (A joy word sign on the window -- present hidden behind)
You fixed it, then I fixed it, just so Stephen could have it. (Josh had fixed his dresser drawer, then my hub had to fix it, and then Josh moved out of that room and the dresser became Stephen''s. He got that pretty quick.
It goes round and round. (this was the dryer -- although it could have been alot of places)
Photo Sharing
Sarai's gag gift hat -- my brother behind her and nosey Mini on the back of the couch. Sarai L.O.V.E.S PINK.
Josh with a Wii. Sarai stood in line till midnight to get one on Saturday night before Thanksgiving and didn't tell us about it at all. Thankfully she did not go alone and was escorted to her car. Whew!! I've played it and its really fun. I like the bowling.
Sarai received a gift card from someone at her work and YES, she found and bought a PINK Monopoly game. Crazy!!
Stephen with his new hoodie -- this was the the Black Friday early morning trip to JCPenney. (I can't believe how TALL that boy is getting!)
Aside from fighting some bugs -- the weather has been extremely cold until this past Saturday, today it was 53 and all the snow melted into slushy, yucky mud.
I have applied for some other jobs-- I really like my job -- but honestly I'm looking for a higher position. We shall see, I get alot of people telling me about how they have this job and want me there, but have yet to see it. We have in-processing registration and an evening to work this week, so it will be a full week.
Josh is almost done with his school work for his Senior Year -- he had a LOT to turn into the school today and truly by the grace of God was he able to get it done. He was pretty sick, but we had prayed for grace. God granted it.
Stephen is skipping concert band this semester and taking Forensics -- he likes speaking in front of people -- and doing skits and things like that.
Sarai is working hard -- too hard probably, lots of required overtime over an already full schedule.
Goats, Guineas and Pups are all doing well.
I have started physical therapy for my elbow and have a splint for night wear -- my extension is 38 degrees. Just for the record normal is 0 degrees, so I have a way to go. There are some calcium deposits tat have started but hopefully no more and none that impede the mobility of my arm!
Quick Prayer -- When we bought our Subaru Outback they offered us this deal that if you bought the extended warranty and did NOT use, they would give you the money back after you hit the 100K or time. We were blessed in never having to use it, and now they are giving up the run around about returnig our money. I'd rather God fight this battle, but if He desires us to go to court to get it back, then so be it.
Whew! Lots going on! Keep working hard on that elbow! I know you can do it! I will be your cheerleader! LOL! Love and huggles!
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