December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!!

May your Christmas and the New Year be blessed beyond measure with health, joy and peace.
With Much Love and Prayer from All of Us!!!

8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:8-14 (King James Version)
I'm the only one awake right now, it felt good to sleep in until 730. I'll tell you about our scavenger hunt we do, hopefully with photos. Its a lot of fun.
The Lord has truly blessed us this year and kept His hand of protection upon us -- we are so thankful for Him and for YOU!!


December 21, 2007
Christmas Countdown -- Christmas Eve!
Snow drift blocking our kitchen door on Sunday Morning -- but the other door had no snow!

Josh and Mini Moo laying by the wood stove ...

Joanna in her Christmas dress -- a.k.a. "The Little Elf"
One of my favorite snowmen that Sarai gave me last winter -- he wobbles a bit.

Its about 1015 am -- I have some cookies baking and the lasagna has been prepared and is awaiting cooking tomorrow. I have also been to Wal-Mart to pick up a few last things -- dog food being one of them!

Who would have thought that my kids would like Molasses Cookies? I kept some back and my husband and boys devoured them, so I plan on making another batch of them this morning, along with some Homemade Ginger Snaps - which I have not tried before but sound good. Gingerbread cookies is what I am hoping magically appear out of thin air. Yum! (not happening!!)
I am supposed to make Chocolate Covered cherry cookies and 2 Pumpkin Rolls -- not sure if that is happening, but I better get busy. Love ya!


Christmas Countdown -- 2 More Days!

I guess it really 2 more days until Christmas! (its 5pm so less than that!) And officially 49 hours until I turn 42 yo.
My mom had a huge family and she was one of the youngest -- they have all gone on except my Aunt Helena and Uncle Ski. We had H.U.G.E. celebrations growing up -- I really MISS that. If Christmas wasn't such a family event, I would have a house full. In some ways, I can't wait until my children have children so we can have those big house full celebrations.
I grew up with Italian food on Christmas -- no turkey or hams -- Lasagna! My husband and kids chose lasagna this year as well, so early tomorrow morning I plan on putting it together so all I have to do it pop it in the oven. Garlic bread and salad should round out the meal just fine. We normally eat about one -- and later in the evening we snack on an Antipasto tray and cookies. We might have birthday cake and we may not -- all depends on the family. LOL! I do not bake my own, I could just as soon do without.
Antipasto was a favorite growing up and my kids love it too -- ham, salami, pepperoni, turkey slices, mozzarella and cheddar cheese, carrots, celery sticks, black and green olives, roasted red peppers, crackers and/or crunchy italian bread slices. Yum!!!
We have about 6 inches -- the sun shone today hopefully melting most of the snow packed roads. We have church service this evening, aside from Stephen and I -- the rest of the family works tomorrow so that changes our Chinese food evening meal. {sigh}
All the gifts are wrapped and the kids want a scavenger hunt on Christmas .. more to come!!
google won't let me share photos, but I will try tonight.


Christmas Countdown -- 3 More Days!


Whew! This day flew -- and the snow is still falling! Lots of snow drifts this evening -- but our morning started about 438 am! We had the breakfast for my husband's carriers this morning -- I put the egg casseroles in at 5 am (our oven takes FOREVER to preheat!) and "thought" they would be done in an hour ... that so did NOT happen. We were to be there set up by 7am.

I left the house at 638am and its a 45 minute drive -- so a couple of carriers were waiting. Sarai and Stephen came to help and thankfully since the gravy was hot they could dig right in. I enjoyed it -- they were so kind -- but they do a good job for my husband, and honestly they don't do that for every supervisor. He was moved right before Christmas in 2005 -- detailed to help at another station and was gone for over a year! They wanted him back -- I was chatting with some and they said he better not be leaving again. We gave them bags of candy (from CVS deals, of course!) and a tag which told them we were thankful for all they do.

I enjoyed showing our appreciation for them -- I wanted them to know we really are thankful for them and perhaps leave a testimony by our actions. It ended up being a wet, cold, windy, snowy day to deliver mail -- but they still trudged on. We always give our mail carrier -- a small gift because we have been on the both sides of the fence, when my husband delivered mail and now that he is a supervisor.


On ward to Christmas preparations, by 1015 when I left the rain and sleet has started -- I stopped at Target to take advantage of the Huggies coupons and the Post it Note coupons. I also found my brother one of those water pots since he coveted mine when he lived with us. LOL!

A successful trip -- although walking and driving was slick. Next stop was CVS to take advantage of a couple of deals they had this week. I ended up with a couple of Christmas gifts completed, batteries, Tressemme hair products, Johnson & Johnson baby stuff, razors, nuts, cough drops, and candy.. After that the snow was cming down in full force so I headed home.


A whirlwind baking spree began -- toffee crackers, (made with graham crackers, not saltines) soft chocolate chip cookies, Soft Molasses Cookies for a brother at church, and Winkler Sugar Cookie dough to chil over night. I will make those tomorrow.


One of the things we do at Christmas -- is go to Chinese Food on Christmas Eve, we started this when my mom celebrated with us -- and of course we open one gift on Christmas Eve -- when the kids were little it was always jammers, but now that they are older they can pick one out of a few that we choose. I still get them jammers for Christmas, now for the boys its sleep pants and a robe for Sarai this year. I'll share some strange things we do but are not total creatures of habit.

Health Thanks!

I start phsyical therapy the day after Christmas -- he said my elbow is doing well but we are looking at months before I have no pain. {sigh} If I make progress with PT then I won't need a brace, if I don't -- I "GET" to wear a brace and he did warn its uncomfortable.

I did take Mini to the vet -- he said it was a nerve problem --( am NOT accepting that!!) no broken bones or dislocations. She was given steroids to take the swelling down to see if that was the cause.

May I ask for a quick prayer for Josh?? -- he has a growth on his nose (yes, of all places!) its red and ugly. We saw his primary doctor but she referred him out. We go on the 31st.

Its cold and snowy -- and I promise some photos of our home tomorrow -- the snow makes it so pretty!

P.S. Husband ended up in a ditch on the way home -- not far -- we had to go get him but the truck is still there. We are praying no damage to it, but are thankful there was no damages to the hub!!!


Christmas Countdown -- 5 Days!!

It's been a very busy few weeks -- late, long nights and days and appointments.

I am excited about Christmas -- but honestly I am a little sad not to have my mom here doing her special birthday things for me.

I am so thankful that Ashley and Trish are home! God truly does know the desires of ours heart. I have been following her story and am so very happy for them.

Tomorrow we host a breakfast for my husband's mail carriers at his post office. Thankfully my daughter has volunteered to help a bit! It will be his way of saying thanks and that he appreciates how much they work for him. On the menu will be (2) large egg casseroles, Western and bacon, sausage gravy and biscuits, danishes, muffins and fruit salad. Juice and coffee to drink. Sounds okay? (I hope and pray my casseroles end up coming out good!!)

I hope to finish up the last of the Christmas odds and ends (piddly stuff), bake cookies and treats, and Christmas Carolling in the evening. (Add in between house cleaning and laundry!!)

Pray for our little Mini -- her back leg seems to be hurt, its not broke but she cries if you touch her the wrong way and she is favoring it A LOT. She will put weight on it but not all the time. We wondered if she dislocated it or sprained it? She jumps around like a crazy girl and runs like the wind. -- Since she wasn't fed by her mom do you think that affected her bones? Can we give her calcium to help strengthen them? Any idea????

Off to take Josh to the doctor -- and hit the house running to get things done ... I plan on posting some of our traditions in the next few days. We are not travelling for the holidays so will be home. Snow is expected on the horizon so we may have white Christmas!!


December 17, 2007
...does things so much better than we do. Just publicly thanking Him for answering some prayers. He is so awesome!!!


"D" Day
I have a follow up with the surgeon (Doctor!) today -- {sigh} I've been prayed for twice in the last week that the Lord will specifically work a miracle on my arm. I am believing God -- I have too!! I am somewhat apprehensive about today -- I wouldn't mind some physical therapy as I have lost quite a bit of strength in my arm. Can you drop a prayer heavenward for me?

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December 2, 2007

I normally don't post (or watch!) videos -- but I saw this on A Chelsea Morning and it touched my soul. I especially loved the last part where the man who played Jesus, turns and smiles at you and beckons to you to come. This is how I imagine Him. Blessings to you!


December 1, 2007
Michelle has been such an encouragement to me -- its hard to be blue around her!! Her holiday mood is much better than mine. =)


Saturday Blues!
Once again, I have been non-blog-existent. {sigh} I do have reasons - one I had to evening events that I had to work, and my usual 430 am wake up makes for some very long days.

I had a good cry this morning --
1. I miss my mom today, she will be gone 2 years in February. The doctor said the grieving process takes 2 years where it is not a daily pain. Unfortunately she's right. I know she is in a better place with no pain and able to breath without her struggles.

2. as I tried to use my right arm I realized how much mobility in it I>DO.NOT.HAVE. It frightens me, and just makes me feel a tad overwhelmed. Maybe due to the limitations it has put on me.

I think I can work around everything EXCEPT putting my hair up. My hair is a tad long ... past my seat {sorry} and its long because I know the Lord wants it this way. I will not debate this with anyone, its scripture and that is the end of the story. Look it up, if you feel so inclined. But I usually wear it up -- that's been near to impossible. My husband helps with my hair, but that is out of his league and to be honest, it just frustrates me because he can't do it right! He tries and

Please pray that the Lord restores MUCH MORE mobility in it -- I can't even reach up and touch my shoulder -- it just does not bend. I'm trying to be patient, is a daily struggle, if not an hourly struggle. I wonder if I will have to deal with chronic pain associated with it, I put off taking any pain medication, because number one it makes me depressed and I don't need the added help. And I can not do that for the rest of my life ... I realized I'm 41 years old ... Lord willing I will still have 20 years left if the Lord should tarry. 20 LONG years of limitations.
Then I realize how selfish I am -- because it could be SO MUCH WORSE. I have made the decision to trust in God for a healing ... {Soon as I typed that pain flared up in my arm -- how like the enemy!} But I have made my decision and I am going to hang on to that with everything I have. Please pray for me. {{{{Hugs}}}}

Its a cold, rainy, icy day here in Kansas. The weather man promises it will get better. I pray so! I have a list a mile long to accomplish and much of it is outside this house. Its still coming down and the weather really isn't good for any thing other than emergency needs. And getting more wood for the wood stove.

Pepperoni and Eggs -- have you ever tried this? Yum! You just lay some slices in a pan and heat and add some eggs and cook till heated through. A comfort food for me. I come from an Italian family and this is things I ate growing up. Its so good! {smile} A good reminder of my mom making this for me. I HATED eggs of any kind growing up -- except for this. Silly me.
A recipe and this image is courtesy of All Recipes.
I'm blessed and so are you -- I just sometimes forget. Love ya!

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