Menu Planning is such a rescue for me -- especially when I get home late from work, or have to work evenings, which this week will entail. (ugh) My husband can make sure the boys are fed, but I still prefer to have something ready for him to cook/heat up.
(I change this slightly, while the hamburgers are cooking, I heat up, 1 can 98% fat free cream of chicken soup, 1 can Rotel tomatoes and 1 large can green chilies, once hot I pour on top of meat and cover with cheese and bake) Saves a lot of time and we all like the Rotel taste it gets. The sauce is yummy over the pasta/rice.
Monday -- Pasta with Sauce, Salad
Tuesday -- Chili in crock pot and Rice (Mom works, dad cooks ... serves!)
Wednesday -- Grilled Cheese and Veggies (Mom works, dad cooks)
Labels: Menu Plan Monday, Recipes