July 28, 2008
5:43 a.m.
The phone ringing that early in the morning, is usually NEVER good news.

This time it was a call from a sister in our church who just wanted us to know that the Lord had laid us on her heart to pray and she wanted us to know that she was thinking of us.

We have had a lot of things happening in our lives lately ... a few prayers are needed, if you are so inclined.

Our children.

A certain unspoken request we need God to work a miracle.

We are going to sell our house. God knows how much we need out of it -- we live about 20 miles from town and the fuel costs are killing us! We found a home we would love to move into. 10 minutes from my job, and 15 from my husband's.

Stephen -- home school or public???

Me -- I have a job interview this Thursday at 1045 -- a promotion for me, but there is also another I recently applied for which is even higher. Need direction on this!!

My husband' s stepmother passed away this past weekend -- comfort for his dad and direction for this new season of his life.

My brother -- that God would get a hold of him.

Thanks -- my prayer is that the Lord would bless you for your support!!


July 11, 2008
No truer words ...
Stated by the Chief of my organization to me today.

"If you dont come to the MOWW ball, the next thing is you will stop talking to us, and then you will leave us."

In honesty, he did say, and "we don't want you to do that." But as of this moment, I could care less.

I feel better now. (sigh) It's been BEYOND a rough week at work. A male dominated work place with men who think women are stupid.


July 6, 2008
My Goodwill Blessing

I have seen these trays quite often, but really had no knowledge of the craftsmanship of them.

I scored at Goodwill this week -- this one was brand spanking new in the box! And about a tenth of the price new.


July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!

May your day be blessed with wonderful memories -- and thankfulness for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that our country might be free.
Cleaning up a bit -- headed to town for a couple of things, then to the park for a big church BBQ, and then friends at our house this evening.
Side note: We have some new baby guineas!! 14 so far, pictures coming soon. They are still all in the incubator, waiting for 12 more eggs to hatch.
God has been doing some awesome things lately, can't wait to share! Huggles!


July 3, 2008
Free 14-day supply of Nature Made vitamins!

Another Free 14-day supply of Nature Made vitamins!
Last time I ordered Vitamin C (why I did is lost -- because I have a CVS stash of these!, this time I went for the Super B Complex)

Nature Made is offering their popular free 14-day supply of Liquid Soft Gel Vitamins again! You'll definitely want to take advantage of this great offer while you can.

You can choose from six different vitamins including: Complex Multi-Vitamin, Multi-Vitamins for Her, Super B Complex, Calcium, Vitamin C, or Vitamin D.

Sign up here for a free two-week vitamin supply.

