November 23, 2010
Thanksgiving Menu
Going to be about a dozen of us this year ... super excited.  I loved growing up with our house  filled to the brim with family.  My kids missed out on that -- but now that they are older and have some family of their own, we are doing it big!   Lexi's family will be joining us this year so that's wonderful.  I hope it becomes a tradition for years to come .... and next year, Lord willing, we'll have a little guy to spoil and enjoy.

Roast Turkey  (Lexi and I will both make one!)

Stuffing / Gravy  -- the only stuffing I do is in a box, so they are doing that ...

Baked Ham

Sweet Potatoes (fresh sweet potatoes, with some brown sugar/spices)

Mashed Potatoes -- Lexi's Cooking

Green Bean Casserole -- Lexi / Mom Cooking

Cheesy Corn (Laura is bringing!)

Pumpkin Rolls - Lexi requested these from me.

Homemade Cranberry Sauce

Deviled Eggs  --  Lexi's Mom

Cheese Ball / Crackers  -- Lexi's Mom

Cream Cheese smothered in Raspberry Chipotle Sauce / Crackers

Veggie Tray  -- Sarai!

Cherry Pie  -- Lexi

Pumpkin Pie  -- Lexi

Pecan Pie  -- Me for Hub!

Vanilla Ice Cream - Lexi

Cheesecake / Lowfat   -- Me!

Lofthouse Homemade Version Cookies -- I'll share if they were good!

Nana's Apple Salad -- always!

I pray that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and you don't have to spend it alone .... if so, you are more than welcome at our gathering!!

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are just amazing.  They don't want anything to do with you or your family for the last, oh 20 years and then you are at fault.

(deep sigh)


November 1, 2010
Stand for You ..
Another new recent favorite ... the Lord has been speaking to me through music much in the last few weeks.  We were able to see him in concert a couple of weeks ago too!   We have a few more to attend in the next two months. 

Life has seemed to be a long, perpetual, continuous trial ... thankfully I have the Lord to depend on, not sure how people do it who have no faith, no hope ...

I've recently been done wrong (at least to me) by Christians.  Ones who profess quite vocally  ... the sad part?  If I had not already had a walk with Jesus Christ, after recent events, I seriously doubt I would even desire to be one. What's worse, is that unbelievers have mentioned to me and asked me, how they can do that being a Christian.   We're human -- we're not perfect.  In a way now, I can "see" why some people are so turned off by "so-called Christians".  Definitely doesn't mean we have take the blows time and time again ... you don't have to take abuse from people without sticking  up for yourself.  You just have to take care of it in the right way.   Honesty is probably always best and bringing it out into the open...and letting them know.  What they do with it from there, is their problem.

Lord have mercy on my soul -- if I ever have that type of impact on someone ... its made me more aware of every word spoken or action taken ... 

Busy November -- hospital stay for Stephen, work trip to Texas, hopefully trip to Texas for wedding ... and lots of work due to losing two people in my section.  Oh, and its that time of year again -- total PET Scan on 15 November ... sigh.  In Jesus Name all will be clear.

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