Labels: Free Stuff
I've seen this around the web -- but just passed it by -- decided to try today and its still working. Take this simple survey from Swingline and they've promised to send you a free Swingline Optima desk stapler ($20 value) in return for your time!
Thanks for Freebies Friday for this deal. I've seen it numerous other places as well.
Labels: Free Stuff
1. economical in use or expenditure; prudently saving or sparing; not wasteful: a frugal manager.
2. entailing little expense; requiring few resources; meager; scanty: a frugal meal.
We have begun a frugal journey this year in an attempt to live more simply, have no debt (outside our mortgage -- but hopefully not one of those either!), have a 3 to 6 month emergency fund in place and a substantial retirement savings plan. Hindsight is a wonderful thing -- too bad you can't get it ahead of time! We have been looking closely at Dave Ramsey -- and have been on a much stricter budget. Things are working -- and while we don't have a set time planned out (perhaps we should?) to be out of debt -- we are taking one baby step at a time. Baby steps are good for any road to success!! We do have a retirement savings already in place -- so for Dave Ramsey's steps we are working a little out of order -- we do prefer not to stop the retirement deductions in lieu of getting out of debt faster. We both feel we need to do whatever we need to do to accomplish that though .... so I will probably work a second job this summer a couple of nights a week that will be earmarked directly for debt reduction. The boys will probably have jobs as well -- so I may as well do something constructive. We are currently working on decluttering and finding things for resale. We have entirely too much stuff!!
I have come across many wonderful resources and thought I would start sharing them here -- and perhaps some of the new ways we are doing things. I enjoy getting free samples and really free anything -- but lately, if I am not going to use it I don't really even want it entering our house!
I found a great blog today -- Budget Helps -- also a great share on there today for Quaker Oats Products. I love granola bars, and oatmeal cookies but am not crazy about plain cooked oatmeal. (grin)
This is what she received in her package from Quaker Oats -- three full boxes of product: Cinnamon Sugar & Oats Morning Minis, Simple Harvest Dark Chocolate Chunk Granola Bars, and 90 Calorie Dark Chocolate Cherry Chewy Granola Bars. Also included were two $1.00 off any one box of Quaker Snack Bars.
You wanna join now too, don'tcha? Well CLICK HERE and sign up. Remember to check the 'Quaker Moms Care' box at the bottom of the form.
Thanks to Budget Helps for this great find! Lots of other great samples and coupons on there as well.
Labels: Free Stuff, Frugality
We had a Bible Study last night about teaching Bible Studies and helping to win lost souls to the Lord ... its so true that new babes in Christ need to be discipled -- I am thankful that the Lord sent a good family to help us in that regard -- I don't think we would have continued on with the care and nurturing they bestowed upon us. I do think that there are people who are not so new in the Lord that need nurturing and acceptance too -- people can do so much damage in their own personal quest to remain "righteous" -- its really a scary thought to be responsible for the damage to a soul.
Labels: Thankful Thursday
There is just a wealth of information and good reading on the web ... (and not so good too!) here's a couple of good finds. Spring seems to be hiding in Kansas this week ... it was 23 degrees yesterday morning!
- Stretching the Food Budget We are doing well in this area --- CVS has been a huge blessing to our budget.
- Money Saving Mom -- a wealth of resourceful ideas and inspiration to any family
Labels: Around the Web
It is beautiful OUT-- and so far I have spent the day INside doing some Spring Cleaning and clearing out stuff. I am off today (work tomorrow!) and slept in until 7am -- then walked and prayed. I'm hoping the weather continues -- it can stay just like it is -- I want to enjoy Spring for as long as we enjoyed Winter!! Have a wonderful Sunshiney day!
Labels: Miscellaneous
Enjoyed the Spring Food Fair -- lots of interesting foods that I did NOT try -- Pavlova made by the Australians was yummy, as well as Chocolate Dipped Strawberries and Maple Leaf Sugar Cookies from our Canadians. I need to get the sugar cookie recipe -- they were huge and fat and still super soft. Most of the officers and their families are just super nice.
As promised a couple of photos of a goat stuck in the hay feeder -- I think this one is Frosty. (sigh) They would have to push their head pretty hard through the squares to get their horns through -- (shaking my head) And they keep doing it!
Enjoy your Saturday -- I hope in your corner of the world, the sun is shining bright!
Labels: Miscellaneous, Pets
My poor hub has this horrid flu -- it said he felt better this morning, but he sure didn't sound better. My co-worker moved to her new job this week, and they were talking about waiting until July to get a replacement! Uh, hello we have a new 77 person class coming in June. I can handle everything except their in-processing. Should be interesting.
I've been struggling a little with my arm -- I went to the doctor this week, and he is concerned enough to want to do surgery again. Its just so tight and not getting any straighter -- so I go back in 6 weeks and we will decide. I don't relish the thought, but it has to get better than this! Then he even talked about removing the implant in a year or so ... ???
One of our mama goats is not doing well -- something is wrong with her feet so she is stalled with another. I think if she wasn't going to be a mama, hub would have put her down already. She may have 2 or 3 babies in there and that would be a major loss, not to mention, very, very sad.
Please drop a prayer heavenward for her -- God cares about them too!
I have to work this evening, at the Spring Food Fair. All the internationals bring a dish with cultural significance. Some I will not try -- I like to snow what I am eating! Glass noodles are yummy, as well as a dessert from Norway. It was at the Fall Food Fair and it was so good. Sadly the family they made it have already graduated and gone back home. I really just want a salad. I have been craving it lately -- I bought a big bag at Costco and put it in the mudroom fridge and it FROZE. What a waste -- so salad ingredients are on the grocery list for this weekend.
Here's some around the house photos, we just had snow, so it wasn't too long ago.
Spotting something moving out there! One day she was going a little nutso and there was an opossum out there, it was bigger than her. She was so NOT going out. Boy, did she raise a fuss.
I thought I put the photos of the goat stuck in the hay feeder but I must have missed them. I had to take photos so you can see how very stuck they get! I'll be sure and add them the next time. Here is some of the guineas -- we have 8 left! After some deaths and some killings by a dumb dog! They always go back to the pen at night -- but much prefer the light on. Their light bulb was out so they starting hanging out in the rafters of the barn, that was so NOT working (ugh ... a mess!) I made hub change the bulb last night -- sick or not. As soon as he turned it on -- they hopped into their pen. It was even still pretty light out. We want to raise some more from eggs, but they can be kind of mean to new guys. 6 of them gang up on what my hub calls "the rejects". They follow the other 6 during their wandering buts ALWAYS at a safe distance. Remember how tiny they were? They are pretty big now and ugly!! LOL!
Hopefully Spring is on the horizon, I need to remember to start my veggie plants!!! TTYS!
Labels: Miscellaneous