October 3, 2009
Processing ....
Been doing a lot of praying, thinking and I'll admit, having a little pitty party.  BUT, I've been in this place before ... and have no doubt I'll get the victory over it.  The Lord has done some amazing things thus far ... why should I doubt Him  now?   He never promised that the road would be easy, just that He would be beside us all the way.

Thanks much for your prayers.  I've been doing a lot of praying for others, in an effort to not think about myself.   My faith must be in the Lord, not man.  God is so much bigger than us.  I'm human though, so ...

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Yep we all sure are human and it is hard for us to let go of our fears and doubts sometimes. Praying with you sweetie.

Anonymous Melinda said...

Never feel down on yourself.You are such an example of great faith!! Many people have watched your fight, (God;s battle) and you have never waivered!! Even sinners are giving God the Glory for this!!! Keep your beautiful smile sis, He will take you all the way!!

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