September 28, 2009
Pathology Report Back!!
The nurse called with my pathology report -- I know they take days to do it, so didn't expect news until my follow up appointment tomorrow.

She said you got a good report! The left side (tumour side) they did a radical mastectomy and took all the lymph nodes. The right side they did a simple mastectomy and took only the sentinel lymph nodes, which they checked during surgery and were negative for cancer, so they didn't take any more.

Since there was cancer on the left, they take them all because they can't go back in, even if they come back negative. This is what we were waiting for. They did find invasive on the left but she didn't elaborate -- hoping for another prayer to be answered about that tomorrow -- but

ALL 13 CAME BACK NEGATIVE!! No lymph node involvement which is awesome!

PRAISE THE LORD! He contained it -- which was our first prayer. Amazing!!!

I just want to give God the praise and glory for it. I just wept. I could barely stand on my feet, with the weight He lifted off my shoulders. I kept remembering our prayer even when the doubts would flood in. He did it.

I wanted to thank you all for the prayers ... not sure what else God has, but I can wholeheartedly say He was been walking every step with us ... He's answered your prayers too!

The internet exceeded the fair access policy so its slow as pie ... but I had to get a praise report in!!

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Blogger Saved By Grace said...

What an Awesome God we serve. Sis, you are the most beautiful example of a courageous child of God!! Watching the Hand of God perform this miracle is going to be a testimony for many years to come!! Through this miracle God is going to do great things! I truly admire your faith. What fantastic news!! Thank you Jesus!!!

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