October 14, 2009
Checking In ...

Doing well, back to work.   We've been busy with the Carnival scheduled for this Sunday and trying to get back into a routine. 

Mini had puppies on Saturday night ... she is a highly irrational mom -- goes nutso when she isn't with them.  She's actually driving us crazy.  She stays in her crate .. a  lot!  They are awful cute though.  I'll share some photos in the next day or so.  One is tan like Taco.   We call him a Mini Taco.

Just wanted to check in -- we go see the surgeon for one last visit next week, and then will see the Radiation Oncologist.  We have lots of questions and a huge decision to make.  I do kind of dread more treatment -- treatment means pain and fatigue.   I've been feeling pretty decent.  I still haven't regained all my mobility in my left arm YET, but it will come.  IJN!  Treatment is a good thing though.  Don't get me wrong.  This would be a daily run to Kansas City ... 5 times a week, times 6 weeks.

Here's a duh moment.  I read about a lady telling her husband she felt like she was dying when she was going through chemo.  Her hub said -- of course you do, the chemo is killing all your healthy cells.  Hello?!  Duh, me.    That one drug I had Avastin - is different, it targeted cancer cells, which is probably why I didn't feel so bad and my hair started growing back.  Definitely back in the shaving mode.   It was kinda nice not to have to do that.  =)  

A post is not a post with a photo.  Borrowing Christopher's, since I am at work.

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