I hated to leave my co-workers in the ditch -- and that happens this week. It will be long days, filled every moment with craziness, but I'm glad I got here to help.
They have been so good to me, the Lord knew I needed them. I'm with them 40 hours a week and they are a blessing to me -- one I never saw -- but one I do see now and appreciate greatly.
After this -- surgery -- whatever, I just want to get it done and over with before the wedding totally engulfs me. I'm thrilled for Josh & Lexi and did not want this sickness to interrupt their happiness -- hair or no hair. My hub sang to me last night ... "You're so vain ... " LOL! Not really, I just don't want to look like a cancer patient (even though I do!) I have a week to accomplish a mountain of things before the next treatment, or plan B or plan C happens ... the Lord knows.
Going to try and make Father's Day special for my hub -- Mother's Day just stunk, too sick to even make it to church that morning. I can't help but wonder if it will be my last ... I think I ask my hub daily, "Are you sure I'm not going to die from this?" (Sorry -- just keeping it real ...) I'm scared today, maybe because I'm just tired and worn and the enemy desires to steal my peace. Pray I can reclaim that today -- I so desperately need it in the quiet of the house this morning.
Sunday -- Hub's favorites -- Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Biscuits, Cream gravy & Dessert
Monday -- Chicken Soft Tacos (yup again -- Stephen likes leftovers for lunch!)
Tuesday -- Pasta and Salad (never happened last week)
Wednesday -- Pigs in a Blanket, Veggies (never happened last week ...)
Thursday -- Calzones (ditto!) I like them filled with Ricotta cheese, but mozzarella and sausage/pepperoni are more the boys' style)
Friday -- Evening work schedule -- taking family -- they'll feed us!

Labels: Breast Cancer, Recipes
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