Yes, that is a watermelon next to it. I cleaned it really well and cooked it in the
crockpot on low for 7 or so hours. It actually tasted good -- we thought it might not because of the size.
My husband went in to the prison last night to preach, and I passed him on the road after work. He never said a word about what awaited me on the counter! That is a Tupperware
Thatsa Bowl (holds 32 cups) and a Tupperware
Thatsa Mega Bowl (holds 42 cups!) filled with peeled and sliced apples!! There was also a note that said "Your turn..." I should have snapped a photo of the note.

I think my part was easy -- here are 6 quarts of applesauce ready to put in the
canner for processing. I did have more sauce but did not have any clean/sterilized jars ready or it would have been 7. (only 7 fits in the
canner at a time)

Here they are after processing sitting on the table to wait out the 24 hours before we move them. We have never canned before but my husband and I decided, how hard could it be? It's not at all, just follow the directions. We used this
site for help. Our first batch you can see in the background was very dark. We had cooked the apples in the
crockpot instead of the stove -- tastes fine, just looks too dark. (not doing it that way again!) Give it a try - we found a case of jars on clearance at Target for $2.14! Can't beat that. (Hoping for more free apples or pears to can more!)
Labels: Food
That is one doozy of a sweet tater! LOL at your hubby and his note.
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